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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. "coloring makes my balls feel good!" hahahaha
  2. ive seen this one before, dude is fuckin nuts
  3. where can i sign up
  4. There is never anything in weed when you buy it, if you want extra stuff in it, you have to pay for it. Drug dealers dont waste time and money on putting extra shit in marijuana. I use to be a pot head for many many years, and I've never once had laced marijuana.
  5. ive tried spice before, shit sucks, and is dangerous. Infinitly more dangerous than the real thing, which remains illegal while spice is sold everywhere.
  6. Is it against the rules to pick all 3 as an option?
  7. He was team killing/wounding, actually. But i figured it wasnt actually Burnum since he's not the kind of guy to set up an MG in spawn and mow down team mates. I tried to make contact with him and he responded by shooting me in the face. Check in as soon as you can and let us know what happened Burnum.
  8. Thats fucking hilarious. 3. Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic. 4. Not allowed to challenge anyone’s disbelief of black magic by asking for hair awesome
  9. theyre a very popular Swedish childrens musical group, and im pretty sure they have a TV show on disney or something. If they knew what "the clap" was, its funny but irresponsible, if they didnt know, than its even funnier.
  10. Its a children's song, and in case youre not familiar with urban American slang... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...mp;defid=537901
  11. also, fucking awesome movie
  12. If you've seen the southpark episode with the cripple fight, they model it after this scene, bit for bit
  13. wow thats an old one, havent seen that in a long time, and it still gets funnier every time i see it
  14. Stude. thats a REALLY nice brook you got hanging on the wall back there. What make and model is it?
  15. full of win, Dillon. Full of win...
  16. some drunk fuck on the streets in San Diego tried to ice me outside a bar. I told him to fuck off, and didnt drink it. Does that count as being iced?
  17. what is this i dont even...
  18. Hes a manipulative fear monger. A typical political puppet of the Fox news empire. Also, The Onion FTW
  19. I have it on my PsP, BF2 is the shit
  20. This. Apocalyptica is great DoDsing music, as well as just generally good music.
  21. Just installed it last night. Yall cant fuck with my MS1. My in game name is Morty_Fillameter
  22. I know most of you probably dont like rap, but this music video cracks me up every time i see it.
  23. It was bad enough when they started putting commercials before the previews, but now the commercial is the entire 2 hour movie.
  24. The music from this game won several awards when it came out, when it was made from 8-bit computer sounds. Here it is being preformed by the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.
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