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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. she doesnt, i only said dirty because she is, we were in California for 4 days for that event and she fucked 5 different guys.
  2. EDC 2010, im to the left of the dirty rave hooker.
  3. and now for the Bollywood version
  4. i recently had to help a friend hook up his home entertainment system, and it made me think of this.
  5. New Castle, Guinness, occasionally blue moon, Warsteiner, Paulaner, und-und.... und becks? Ja, und Becks.
  6. i saw the cast of this movie and thought to myself, 'there is no way this cant be awesome'
  7. Ive done both LSD and mushrooms about 40-50 times, i never really counted but if i had to guess thats would be in the ballpark. But neither of these, or any other psychedelic will EVER be on the same level of madness as DMT. 15 minutes long, compared to the 6-8 hours you get with either of those, but a thousand times more potent. DMT is not one to mess around with though, if you fight it at all, or take just a little too much, your brain is fucked forever. The first time I tried it, i felt as though i was being shot into space at a ridiculous speed, euphoria ensued instantly, and the world of which i have come to learn and understand since birth was torn to pieces before my eyes. 5 minutes seems like days, as i was catapulted into a realm of the most intense, and vivid audio and visual hallucinations i could possibly fathom. Defiantly one for the books, but i will never touch it again.
  8. Browse forum, surf other forums, post inappropriate pictures on facebook for my family to see, youtube, pirate music/movies/tv shows etc, drawing shit while browsing forums, and if i get really bored i attempt to do all these things at once, while masturbating vigorously
  9. After questioning the morality of the issue of taking psychedelic drugs, I asked the mushrooms in my stomach if i was doing the right thing. They replied in an offended manor, "Dont ask us that question, you know what youre doing, you know why we're here. If you want to ask that question, go take some MDMA" Terrance McKenna was a brilliant old hippie, RIP
  10. there you have it
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