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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. If anyone lives in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, or Louisiana, I'll be hitch hiking/train hopping through your state soon! Want to grab a brewskie? How about letting me use your shower? Wanna set up DoD:s in the same room and kick some ass? i got my laptop! facebook name: Tairy Hesticles send me a message BTW, I came back from a year of traveling and noticed how the unit has expanded and excelled, good job, raiders. I look forward to our next fragging exchange in the pub. -Hopkins
  2. On a freight train heading to a transfer yard in West Quincy Missouri to switch to a hotshot heading to memphis TN,
  3. no i dont think so, we camped out in the black hills for a few nights but didnt bother going to see mount rushmore or anything else in the area really... Today is the day we finally leave SD and get into Minnesota, we'll be catching a train out of Sioux Falls that should take us all the way to Chicago, unless we get on the wrong train and end up in Louisiana or some shit (Train riding is not always an exact science). I kind of wanted to hit up the twin cities but they're way out of the way and the colder it gets, the further south i need to go. I have a zero degree mummy bag, but snow is my mortal enemy. One night in Chicago (or how ever long it takes for a good ridable southbound train to roll through) then off to Shawnee National Forest where there is a traveler/hippie gathering is taking place. My gaming laptop is at my parents house in Florida, which is where I'm going after the gathering, and then I'll see you motherfuckers on the battlefield
  4. Because i felt like it! I was only planning on being out for a month or two but I'm having so much fun I have no intentions of rejoining the working class 6 months later.
  5. It's been a while, so I figured I'd check to see how the baddest mother fuckers on the internet are doing. I'm typing this from Rapid City, South Dakota (which sucks ass, dont ever come here) I've covered over 5 thousand miles of hitch hiking, and 1 thousand and some change on freight trains. I'm having the time of my life and have met hundreds of crazy, awesome, and terrible people and am on a constant adrenaline rush, but I miss kicking ass on our pub. If anyone wants to house up a fellow raider, I will be going through southern Minnesota, all of Illinois, and probably every where between there and South Carolina. my email is HopkinsMatthew0@gmail.com I'd love to hang out with some of my old Raider friends IRL so hit me up *Salute*
  6. everywhere between phoenix and austin tx, there are billboards advertising the end of the world. I guess its a widely accepted idea that the rapture starts on the 21st.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=121968371215699 If you haven't heard, the world is ending on the 21st of this month.
  8. YOU'RE a towel
  9. This is a picture i took when i woke up in our squat in Austin Texas on a cliff side overlooking Barton Springs, cops later found it and cut up our tents and sleeping bags when we were gone, fucking pigs
  10. He will soon, I'll be in California within the next couple of days, where I shall vigorously attempt to break every law I can think of.
  11. I'm a professional hobo/panhandler
  12. Still in Austin due to screwing, fighting, drinking, getting trespassing charges, and freight schedules. Drinking contests take place on a daily basis, in fact im about to embark on another one right now. I am NEVER planning on going to alabama for any reason, and California, specifically San Diego is on my list after New Orleans. I'm not worried about train yard murderers, im traveling with a rag tag scruffy group of tough train hoppers. Also, MCDOWELL!! don't you live in Texas somewhere? hit me up man!
  13. hey raiders, i hope you're all doing well! ive made my way to Austin Texas where im currently sitting outside of someones house leaching their tasty wifi. Here are some things ive learned on the road so far: 1. Nudity is not only accepted, it is encouraged 2. money and underwear are not needed or wanted (for two entirely different reasons) 3. Everything is free if you know where to find it 4. fuck the police (especially turner) 5. There is a massive community of traveling people in every city that hook eachother up with free drugs, food, tobacco, beer, and camping equipment. 6. Dont mess with Texas 7. Speak softly, but carry a collapsible knight stick im hopping a freight train out to New Orleans tomorrow, or the next day. I hope the unit is thriving and kicking as much ass if not more as when i left it. -Hopkins
  14. Sounds reasonable to me...
  15. It couldn't be Dane Cook. Dane Cook isn't funny and this guy doesnt laugh at his own jokes.
  16. I just finished that top ink drawing today, it fills up the rest of the page with alot more crazy nonsense, ill post it later once i get around to scanning it
  17. this guy made a whole series of these, and as it goes along his marital and career problems get progressively worse. But at the same time, it really is an awesome photoshop tutorial and its great for photoshop newbs.
  18. Am i the only one that voted for Falcon?
  19. ??? which one are you talking about, ive never watched that show
  20. one more
  21. AAAAAAND im spent for right now.
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