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Stab N' Grab

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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. just close your eyes and think of London...
  2. my professional sketch artist rendition of what Remedy probably looks like
  3. DoD:s = uninstalled I'm going to be studying for finals over the next two weeks, and immediately after i take my last final, im heading out on the road. Ill post pictures when i find free wifi! And for anyone who cares, this is how ill be keeping in contact with my homies http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001086173786
  4. Usually i would vote Turner, but the other candidates were far more appealing this time around, and someone else deserves some time in the retarded spotlight
  7. played for several hours today, not one bit of chop or lag whatever Parker did helped immensely
  8. lulz awesome
  9. my ex got me that same shirt, thusly demonstrating her lack of knowledge of things that i like.
  10. I've seen great improvement from this. It does still get choppy from time to time, but overall i think its far less intense than it was.
  11. Scored a 10 on my friends inadequate laptop. I'm going to try again on my computer later on
  12. Name: googlesearch: poleshift Steam I.D: # 559 "GoogleSearch: PoleShift" STEAM_0:1:26997801 21:45 146 0 active Reasons for the Ban: This guy team kills everytime hes about to leave the server. I was in vent with Gooderham last time he was in the pub with me, and told him to look out for this guy. After everyone had left for practice he set up an MG in spawn and started mowing people down before leaving. Like i said, this is not the first time he has done this. Recomended duration of ban: 3000000 years. Demo Provided?: No, Jebus witnessed it though.
  13. yelling "BOMB!" on an airplane, or "Fire!" in a public place (however amusing it may be) is not a statement of beliefs or opinion, nor does it qualify for freedom of assembly. But these people are not rallying together with the objective of inducing physical harm, or mass panic. They're just being dumb rednecks stating their ignorant and uninformed ideas, and are completely within their rights to do so.
  14. of course it's fascist, racist, and whatever i wanna call it. And sure, maybe they'll end up fighting it out eventually. But the constitution does not say "Say whatever you want (unless it hurts someones feelings)" If the KKK can have organized rally's with police escorts across the country, these idiots need to be able to do the same.
  15. guys the issue is not about muslims, the right to assembly, or free speach, its about spelling, and its god-damned un-american
  16. I'm not sure of the name of the map, but its a snowy forest map, with a very thick fog, and it's quite large. Anyone know which one im talking about?
  17. And thus is our first amendment. You can say whatever you want, whenever you want, despite how stupid, racist, intolerant, and ridiculous it is. Just like that westboro baptist church protest at the US marine's funeral, a bunch of scum bag brainwashed idiots gathered to let everyone know just how stupid they are, and it was completely in their rights to do so. (not saying i agree with these fucks, but if we want to say what we want to say, we have to let others do the same) I know it was just a comedy movie by the creator of Bevis and Butthead, but in my opinion, "Idiocracy" is a scary accurate view of the future. "it's not the right time to be sober, now the idiots have taken over, Mensa membership conceding, someone tell me how and why the hell are all the stupid people breeding"- NOFX; the idiots are taking over
  18. Reminds me of this guy
  19. the BAR keys. Funky...
  20. This isnt music either, but i love it
  21. I dont know, i didnt know where else to post it, just like this one.
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