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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. it's slightly better than your ethnicity being known for this rather than "those guys who tried to take over the world 2 times in 10 years and killed millions of jews" but i see your plight. It is your sacred duty to Italians everywhere to go and kill these people, i doubt anyone besides 16-18 year old girls will try to stop you either.
  2. Full Name: Matt "shank-a-bitch" Hopkins Age: 22 Location: Phoenix AZ Occupation: Professional begger Favorite activity or hobby: Drawing Special talent: See above Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer 3 Favorite movies: 1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 2. Tae Guk Gi 3. Back-door sluts 9 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Shpongle 2. NOFX 3. Tupac 3 Favorite songs: 1. Invisible man in a fluorescent suit- Shpongle 2. The Decline- NOFX 3. Fire on the mountain- The Grateful Dead 3 Favorite foods: 1. Chicken Parmesan 2. Teriyaki steak 3. Orphan blood
  3. an attractive female, then suddenly...
  4. You have a helicopter, though it doesnt work, and its been submerged in water for several years and you now have tetanus just from looking at it. i wish i had a better computer to play this game with.
  5. This guy is hilarious, he makes a bunch of these songs and theyre all just as awesome.
  6. fucking awesome. I will show spread this to the video game design department of my school.
  8. damn must've spent a while on this. If you want some good electronic music check out www.di.fm Go to the Listen Now tab and you'll find streams for every genre of electronic music there is. Most dub step just sounds like drum beats and wet farts to me, but this site streams some pretty good dubstep djs
  9. Reminds me of this song.
  10. The band split up recently. Half the band stayed together and continues to make good music, but its just not the same. The other half are on to their own solo careers. "Old man's child" is one of them that the guitarist started up a while back which is pretty awesome, check 'em out if you havent heard of them already, and the clean vocalist went off to make this weird music that you would expect to hear in an opera about space vikings...
  11. Same here, even though all they sing about is devil worshiping, their lyrics are extremely poetic and well written (that is if you've been listening to metal long enough to be able to decipher their screams and grunts)
  12. Fuck yeah. I've seen them live a few times, and they are one of the few bands that sound 10 times better live than they do in studio. I was surprised to find out that the clean vocalist can ACTUALLY sing like that, as well as play the bass at the same time, i always figured it was just edited to hell in the studio. I've seen many metal bands live in my time and Dimmu Borgir is one of the best. Also, Hell Hammers drum solo gave me wood.
  13. But let us not forget the king of funny shit
  14. Mitch Headburg was one of the funniest alcoholics to ever get ahold of a microphone. RIP
  15. You've made Turner very happy with this post, I'm sure...
  16. JA JA! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  17. There is some troll that keeps coming into our server usually by the name of MARXX. He screams into his microphone, team wounds and team kills until he gets banned. The thing about this guy, is that he has multiple steam accounts. I banned 9 of them, but he would just keep showing up and trolling the server. I took it up with members of the command staff, and they Banned his IP, but im not sure if even that will do the trick. So if you see this guy in the server, try to find a CO to have them help you take care of him, because he will just keep coming back.
  18. I like the HD state of the art cameras they used to catch every drop of fluid flying around in that movie. Brilliant cinema
  19. There is a thread for the 1st Marine Raiders favorite music, favorite books, favorite sports teams, and favorite games, but I was poking around the forums and failed to find one about your favorite movies, so i figured i would start one. Post your favorite movies here! I'll start- 12 monkeys, Brazil, or anything else with Terry Gilliam's name on it.
  20. i took out a substantially massive student loan to go to school for a very competitive and overcrowded field of work. But it is my passion and my dream, so even if I end up being a permanently indebted starving artist, I'm pretty sure I'll be content as long as I'm creating art. So, Kudos Francoeur, i agree whole heartedly.
  21. Hunter S. Thomson ftw
  22. When i first heard about this I thought "I wonder if they'll show you actually reloading your gun instead of just dipping it into the bottom of the screen". I guess not, but regardless this looks fucking awesome and I plan on wasting countless hours on it.
  23. Nay, i shall call you... prettypinkcrab cake.
  24. hahaha awesome. the song is a cover done by 1200 micrograms, a really awesome psytrance group.
  25. Orbital- the girl with the sun in her head
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