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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. Granted, but now she has herpes, and in turn so do you. I wish i will get hired from one of these several job interviews i have tomorrow and still have time to contribute to this unit
  2. Granted, you get another wish ONLY under the conditions that it's a wish for AIDS. I wish someone would pay for my college.
  3. It would make a fine hat. I would let it grow for a few more months though, but not too long you still want that soft puppy coat.
  4. re-install your internet.
  5. thankyou thankyou
  6. My name is Matt Hopkins and i approve of this message
  7. that man is my hero
  8. i second the post that jones made, WHAT IS THE SECRET
  9. 2nd degree brown belt, karate.
  10. almost every kill was a headshot, and he certainly was not very good at DoDs, but he would do things like do a total 180 turn and headshot someone from across the map in a split second. How should i go about sending you the demo?
  11. # 2715 "Fluffy Frufflebottoms" STEAM_0:0:4648965 1:05:21 91 0 active Toggling aimbot I recorded a demo, however, it will not upload to any of the filesharing websites for some reason... Cayen and St. Denis spectated him as well and can testify to this. I only banned him for 240 minutes, so if a permanent can't be done without a sufficient demo then i guess we'll catch him another time.
  12. the bar keys: Holy ghost the crystal method: high roller nofx: you're bleeding megadeth: good morning/black friday Dimmu Borgir: Puritania
  13. Good luck finding the video of the cast getting gunned down by a crazed man in a ski mask at their favorite bar... (thats because i cant afford a ticket to Jersey just yet, and havent been able to talk Wells into doing it for me)
  14. My friend gave me the first two seasons. At first, I thought "this show is fucking retarded", but by the end of the second or third episode i was cracking up
  15. He got sued hardcore by ALL of those record companies, he didnt get rights to use a single one of those songs haha. Girltalk is cool though, ive seen him live, it was pretty entertaining.
  16. http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/watches/e56d/
  17. i thought this one was pretty spiffy, check it out http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/watches/e596/
  18. Now you know- www.thinkgeek.com check it out, all of your "i dont know what the fuck to get them for x-mas" needs. Also, get yourself something spiffy while you're at it, Like the USB powered minifridge to keep your drinks cold while you're playing dods! Or if you want to annoy the shit out of your friends, look at the "annoy-a-tron" or the micro sound grenade! This is my new favorite shopping website, and if i had the money i'd buy everything on it.
  19. good point, we'll keep it. But please for the love of god take Sarah Palin and her whole family, you can have them, and do with them whatever it is that you want (hopefully feed them to moose or packs of rabid badgers, publicly execute, whatever you can think of, you Canadians are creative, im sure you can think of something)
  20. honestly you guys can have it. And if you do, then Sarah Palin wont be a governor in the US anymore, and then she wont be able to run for president... so take it
  21. Dearest Dillon, This post completely changed day of defeat for the better in my case. My eyes are not used to seeing this game with a higher FPS, and my registration couldnt be more accurate. Its like playing a different, and better game all together. -Love, Hopkins
  22. i installed it before that update and it still fucked everything up, you were there dillon you helped me fix it lol. fuck AVG
  23. yeah i saw him in there TKing people. i warned him to stop and he left promptly.
  24. hahaha fuck yeah i used to do those all the time when i was younger
  25. im on the search for a new tasty malt scotch, anything you can suggest?
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