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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. I'd vote for him
  2. "A drunk person could learn to cope with the image of their dead grandmother climbing up their leg with a knife in her teeth, but no one should be asked to handle this trip" Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  3. PTU white phosphorous rocket
  4. i know it doesnt mean much without the demo, but before i started recording i spec'd him and watched him get 7 head shots in a row across the map without scoping in on his sniper rifle. Then pubbers started to catch on so he turned it off, and after he turned it off is what is in the demo posted above.
  5. I want nothing more but to play the new fallout, alas, i am too broke for an Xbox the 3rd fallout was just about the best game the xbox had to offer, and i can only assume new vegas kicks serious ass.
  6. add my steam account to your friends list, its "thegreatzamboombafoo". Next time im on ill show you a couple things.
  7. Ready to get your tastebuds blown the fuck up by traditional Bavarian brewing? Try any one of these, you will not be disappointed.
  8. Stab N' Grab


    If you decide upon taking that measure of action, let me know McDowell. I'll be on tomorrow night, 10(ish) pm Pacific time
  9. i know but thats what i really want to do so im going to try anyway.
  10. i watched that old spice sesame street spoof video and it reminded me of this
  11. I sucked ass for a while, as bad as you or even worse. Even before i joined the unit i was playing in our pub for a few months, and that training turned me into a decent player. Now, my KDR is positive more often than not. Dont worry, you'll get the hang of it! it just takes some practice man
  12. Just started at the Art Institute of Phoenix, majoring in Media arts and animation, trying to focus more on 2d animation, Pixar movies are cool and all, i would just rather make shows for adult swim.
  13. Ive seen this before, but it never ceases to be funny.
  14. Those Old Spice commercials are awesome, theyre written and directed by Tim and Eric from "Tim and Erics awesome show: Great job."
  15. If you have a BevMo in your area, or imported liquor store, you should check out this 'rauch bier' from Germany. They toast the barley to make a really distinct and delicious taste. Its kind of a rare beer, and its about 5 bucks a pint, but its worth every penny. Its called Schlenkerla
  16. I want to freeze it in the winter and skate on it! then melt it in the spring time and drink it!
  17. DoDs Dawn of war: dark crusade Gmod World of tanks and my all time favorite that isnt played by anyone anymore Tribes 2
  18. the onion is a really old fake satirical news network. Theyve only recently begun to make videos, but theyve had a news paper business out of San Fransisco for a looong time. Also, the onion is fucking awesome.
  19. half of the threads i try to view in our forums have stuff from lolgifs.com, and every time i try to view these threads my antivirus program wont let me because these gifs have encrypted malware in them. Who ever is doing it, I would like to kindly ask that you dont download stuff from that site anymore, for your computers sake, and my own.
  20. I will be going back to school next semester to major in animation and illustration.
  22. there is no lag, however the complaints of registration are higher than ever. I understand that you guys have been dealing with a great deal of stress regarding the server, so no rush when you get around to it, there is a bit of a reg issue.
  23. i saw this a long time ago, Eli is autistic. Though it makes for a really funny youtube video. on another note:
  24. indeed, no skipping at all, its great.
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