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Stab N' Grab

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Stab N' Grab

  1. The sidewalk chalk artist is my hero. I love his work
  2. "Anyone have any ideas how we can somehow stop Miller?" - 2nd Lt. Swartz asking his team in a realism on how to keep miller from killing everyone
  3. i used FL studio for a long time, then after my friend showed me Reason, i was kicking myself for not using it earlier. You should try it out at least, its a great tool
  4. FL studio is fun, if you're just interested in messing around, but if you want to make serious music, i would suggest Reason 4. Reason is highly advanced, and lets you alter every single aspect of every sound, and comes with a whole mess of tools, and programs to help design sounds and string it together to make music. You should look into it. FL studio= elementary school Reason 4= College
  5. excuse the massive size of the picture, it's meant to be a wallpaper. dont know why it uploaded 3 times...
  6. wow thats pretty cool, if i had tried playing it when i hadnt just woke up i probably would have done alot better, but i killed it for my team
  7. you look like that kid from the movie "Sex Drive"
  8. FAXE beer! scream like a warrior, drink like a viking!
  9. his standup is what i was thinking the entire time i was reading that article. Lewis Black FTW
  10. its true, even BBC does it, how are we supposed to know whats true and what isnt? fucking age of technology...
  11. oh my god hahahaha is this real? if it is, its kinda fucked up but still pretty funny. If its not, its well made, bravo
  12. they dont do anything "2 girls 1 cup" style, but if you eat that burger they escort you out in a wheel chair haha
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11203656 Almost every time our economy in this country has been in a rut, the solution has been to build something big and hire alot of people to do it. It worked back in the 1930's when the Hoover Dam was constructed, employing over 20,00 people (and also resulting in America's sin city, Las Vegas). The war effort in WW2 employed most of the country, turning America into a war factory, working in assembly lines and weapons facilities. Not to say that Obama's new construction plan for the infrastructure is anywhere near the magnitude of the Hoover dam, or the factories of the WW2 era, but its a start. This is one thing that our new president has done that I think will actually help our slowly tilting economy. Now its time to watch fox news and see how hard they try to convince people that this is a bad thing any thoughts?
  14. that place is 10 miles away from me, my friend went there a few weeks ago and couldnt stop throwing up. He tried to eat the fattest burger on the menu.
  15. and now for something completely different...
  16. Collins, call MTV right now and make them pay you shitloads of money to make a reality show out of your household. I can see it now, "Collins: down under", it will play right after "16 and pregnant"
  17. i have also been lurking for many years, as of late this is the best thing to happen.
  18. i was just reading about that, totally awesome.
  19. ive been waiting... so very, very long... (insert tears of joy)
  20. Also German and British, dont feel like posting the flags though
  21. this reminds me of every time i go anywhere near the ASU campus...
  22. wow nearly 4 days worth of gameplay for this month in the pub (facepalm.jpeg) i need to go outside more
  23. thats why i like it, it goes from a very happy "yay life is wonderful this couldnt be more carebear and safe!" to someone shoving helmets on them and throwing them in the middle of a firefight, its fuckin awesome.
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