Name: Jason Wittman
Steam I.D: Not sure if you need it for vent, but it's in the record's list just in case.
Date & Time of ban: 07262012
Admin who banned you: I'm pretty sure it was the console
Excuse for the Unban: Well on Thursday night my brother asked if he could play TF2. However, I had not logged off of vent so lying down in my bed barely asleep, I see my brother before my eyes rapidly click connect and disconnect for a matter of seconds until I hear him.
"Dude.... You just got banned" - Unfortunately I was too weak to get up and slap him across the face. ( I assumed it was temporary and I had to get the sleep because tomorrow I would have my wisdom teeth pulled )
The next day (yesterday) I had my widsom teeth taken out and today I feel fine except for the soreness and couldn't post an unban request, I feel strangely able to do house-hold tasks and find out that I may have been banned for a long period of time.