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About Hendrickson

  • Birthday 08/26/1983

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Hendrickson's Achievements

Forum Trainee

Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. McCaskill find a redhead am serious! 9 outta 10 are freaks!!!
  2. Redheads! One reason why, most of the time they are the freakist/best in bed! If this is offensive to anyone sorry, but its freakin true!
  3. Gmoney No kidding the shit we did there to keep ourselves sane was freakin retarted! If we did have shit we did there, we would be dead or in prison for life! Hahahaha, speaking of which am looking for the video from my old unit that I was with in Iraq, if i find it then you all get a special first hand account of combat.
  4. Handmade yes, but made by someone everyone should know, at least Americans should know. Not in a good way but in a bad way. A swift kick in the ass to whoever finds out!!!
  5. I had to post this when I saw it!
  6. My Father had a Flyers cap on my head before I could talk so yeah am a shocked fan as well! Turned into a great night of drinking too!!!
  7. By the dumbest your refering to me taking pics at night in a combat zone is my guess, yeah but it was fun! And i shoot straight, hajis pray and spray. Although, my Gunny did chew my ass, but in the end laughed about it! And people wonder why were called JARHEADS! But yes we do get the job done.
  8. LETS GO FLYERS!!! LETS GO!!! AMAZING down 3-0 in series and came back to win it!!! Discuss...
  9. just a few pics Iraq, Thailand, and firefighting (we had a abandon building in town go up, damn kids arson it) Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us and the pics in the tower that are from the nighttime got me fired upon, i was laughing when it happened as my buddy was laughing in my ear calling me a dumbass for taking pics at night with a flash! hahahahaha Just a glimpse of my life, past and present
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