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Berg 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Berg 1st MRB

  1. Why u in spawn and no help team?
  2. Tnx everyone!
  3. Name:Cheap Vodka Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:53947660 Duration of Ban: 6 month Reasons for the Ban: 6.th Teamkill ban. Source link
  4. Or this will happen!
  5. Maximum quoting achieved
  6. I vote for Johnson as i would vote for myself. i dont se my name on the list so.
  7. He he yeah long time when i saw that one
  8. Die Antwoord do good car music as i say. lots of bas. one of the good songs that i like is
  9. was going some old folders on a hdd that i not been using for long time and i found this. this was long time agoe,
  10. Have you seen my movie?
  11. Brown said that if you did knife willow on that map you would get admin. so i did! even if ther wher 3 ppl garding you
  12. yes you can use it to
  13. whell i have plans for going to visit jank this year. but england is kind of close.
  14. How can you get drunk off American beer +1
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