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Berg 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Berg 1st MRB

  1. Party hard and happy b-day girl!
  2. If anyone knows how Rachel Quirico is!
  3. 3 month ban. (did have more bans on teamkilling)
  4. Did give him a 10min ban only 2h agoe!
  5. we still play compete in it on the old school lan`s. and we use to play 2 ppl in each compeny and only traines allowd.
  6. do have one but only 3 vids on it! Berg`s Youtube
  7. Japan (25) USA (31) Mexico (17) Canada (30) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (31) Sweden (30) Finland (17) Germany (14) China (7)
  8. did not take a pic this year but last years s.patricks day.
  9. Can say that the us show is 1000% more fun to watch then the uk show they did. have you guys seen the green screen show?
  10. Happy B-Day m8!
  11. Done, 2 week ban.
  12. Done, did change it to 1 month.
  13. Thats me in the center. or my clone i mean
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