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Berg 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Berg 1st MRB

  1. have the realism matches done in this and have commentators (or how you spell that) talk about the match, or have vent/ingame voice to sync whit orders giving out in the fields!
  2. Grz m8! i hope you did have a nice one!
  3. im not in the vid but im in this game playing on the same side as the film maker. and yes we did lose was a 40 vs 40 game!
  4. its fun if you like hiting ppl whit big dildos! you can play the game coop and its action all the time. open world!
  5. yes i do and i have candy in the car!
  6. GJ everyone and remeber only you can prevent forest fire!
  7. and the diffrens between other games is? the way i look at it at is that it gives me som time to spend whit friends and play it. and it takes long time to go threw the hole game im on act 3 now on normal and time to get to that point for me is around 20h. if you take dods i have playd it over 1200h and still i think its a fun game and what do you do? you kill the other team whit few wepons and cap flags.
  8. the funny part about this guy is that i know him irl! and he did it for money! and yes i did hit my face whit a plank ones
  9. Happy b-day m8! and what i can tell ther is alot of girls waiting to celebrate you!
  10. Link check it out around 6 min. the show is good if you check it out!
  11. they are from finnland and not sweden!
  12. Found this on how Englebretson prepeare him self before a realism.
  13. found pics from last summer and i did not have my green hair due to my work. now days its green almost green! and yes im the god of finding strange spots to move slowly in
  14. i can add that before joining 1mrb i was a sprayer my fav was mp40 and in my old dod clan i was the last flag caper. so when you se me in diffrent spots hiding i was abel to sneek by the enemy and cap last flag. when i got my rec tag on my rifle skills was = 0 and after using it alot i mangae to get desent whit it. Tnx to 1MRB! now days if you find me on a roof or a strange place whell that is my way of saying tnx MRB for showing me the power of the rifle.
  15. dont we all have that?
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