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Berg 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Berg 1st MRB

  1. Name: Jacky44 Steam I.D: U:1:86488202 Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, rocket in spawn then fleed the server Recommended duration of ban: 7 Days 8 h 32 min 14 sec Demo Provided?: No
  2. Happy b-day m8! i know you have a good one!
  3. hell divers
  4. Tnx ppl this means alot for me! im now geting old and the mg is geting heavie! i might need a lighter gun or somone to carry it for me
  5. Nice, may i ask what programs you are using for editing and recording?
  6. Congratz m8!
  7. Congrats m8! i hope you have a good one!
  8. Name:true german player Steam I.D: U:1:97601272 (Dont know if this is the one) Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot. Demo Provided?: Y/N Y. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4190513.../truegermen.dem (can send on request) Comments: aimboting, wallhacking.
  9. grz man! im happy for you! a new pic on me!
  10. Everytime you dominate somone in 1mrb they take a shot for the kills you do on them. for every Nemesis you have you take a shot when that one kills you.
  11. USA (77) England (41) Norway (37) Sweden (46) Germany (36)
  12. Done. Seems he has 5 bans for breaking server rules.
  13. Done, did exted to 1 month. due to 5.e ban for tk.
  14. He is not camping, he is moving relly relly slow!
  15. Granted, but everytime you wher going to teleport you lose ur memory. I wish that every girl i made eye contact whit needed to have sex whit me.
  16. happy b-day!
  17. 2 gig for the hd version?
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