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Everything posted by Stutler

  1. Stutler


    this just proves that most ausies are worse than americans not saying you are you are the exception
  2. Need to pick up my copy still but add my battle.net ID tstutler@gmail.com
  3. Stutler

    3 Words

    One day in my life I fucked a mermaid. Felt great.. but... his huge dick bruised my sphincter. So I went to the Strippers, hoping they could make me feel better, by shoving nine inch nails into my urethra. The pleasure, it wasn't as good as the time...
  4. That's not necessarily true. I personally have been diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder resulting me to have very very high anxiety (ask my brother lol). Now just like any legal prescribed mood stabilizer, anti-depressant, or anxiety medication, marijuana will not have the same effect on every person. However, marijuana has helped me tremendously in my overall well-being.
  5. Sorry i borrowed him!
  6. Real ID: tstutler@gmail.com add me
  7. i have this have an active account and play just bout every day lol real awsome
  8. to get better fps dont be harlan love you =)
  9. Stutler


    This is definitely need we were playing with 10-12 people on and we had one team killer, and one mic spamming team killer. I tried forums vent and steam groups to look for admin by the time someone had gotten the message it was too late they left. luckily i got the steam id's and posted a request. the problem is they cleared out the server except me and recruit berg.
  10. Name:-3812- paradox.aza^ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:12616058 Reasons for the Ban:Mic spamming and Team killing Recomended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: No Name:Flugge Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:7645110 Reasons for the Ban:Team killing Recomended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: No
  11. I'm on my second playthrough level 36 or so just unlocked the fyrestone bounty board game is soo kick ass
  12. Me and 2 coworkers/friends fcked p at a party!
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