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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Ware

  1. I really couldn't find a good place to put this because of the limited forum access on this account so ill post it here where someone is bound to see it this is Dave Of Defeat Can i get a forum Admin to delete my old account (This one) and give my new account permissions for the BAR lounge, and any other permissions that go along with being a BAR member. I already registered the new account and just need an Admin to approve it Dave Of Defeat is the new user name and Dave of Defeat ßÄЯ is the displayed name
  2. # 113 "joachimke_vd" STEAM_0:0:28971913 1:09:35 178 0 active He repeated blew up his own team in spawn with grenades and a bazooka. PFC Syesma was there as well.
  3. Nice, that explained what i just figured out about 20 min before you posted that. Thanks anyway though O and im curious, does Windows do that automatically when you install the OS because i didn't have to do any of this when i built my machine, this is the 1st time ive had to replace a HD hence me not knowing that i had to do this. Just call me a noob, o well ya live and ya learn, and learning has occurred today Dave
  4. nope i have vista, but the box says its compatible with XP, Vista, and W7 anyway
  5. Ok i went and bought the new HD yesterday along with norton ghost cause it has a 50$ rebate if you buy it with a new HD. but im having issues. I hooked both drives up, the bios can see it, but once windows starts up and the drivers installed automatically, i cant see the drive in "My computer" i can see it in the hardware manager and when i start up norton ghost it cant see the drive either, which is obviously a problem cause i need to see it to tell NG to copy the current drive onto the new one. I cant figure out how to designate the new drive as Slave, the BIOS on her comp is terrible and i cant figure it out, and there is no "jumper display" on the top of the drive or in the Docs that came with it that tell me if i do it Via jumpers. THe drive i got was a 500GB WD5000CSRT with 8 MB cache
  6. This is my wife's computer that the hard drive is dying on. (The Bearings are starting to grind) It was a "Pre Built" system that was purchased as a floor model on black Friday so i don't have an OS disk for it. I know there is a way to "Ghost" and or clone the drive and just make a duplicate copy of the drive, that is what i really would like to do, i don't want any counter-fit copy's of windows and i also don't want to have to buy another windows disc. i just want to buy the new drive and hook them both up to the computer and transfer all the data to a new drive. Can i do that, if so how? any help here will be greatly appreciated. RS David Ware
  7. And not to mention its fun as hell, and you get the satisfaction of the build, just something that you simply cant get from Best Buy, or Frys.
  8. Hey man congrats, I know a lot about the Combat Engineer MOS if you want a "non-recruiter" very objective view of the Marines. you should hit me up in vent or shoot me a PM and ill be more than happy to give it to you straight, because as much as we would like to think that recruiters don't lie and or bend the truth its simply not the case, because they have a Quota to meet and if they don't get their bodies they don't get promoted. O and by the way i just got out of the USMC about a Month ago, i was an 0351 Assaultman, i was pretty much like a "mini Engineer" that could do a lot of the same stuff as an engineer but was still a grunt.
  9. Ok well im sure that this will be an easy fix but anyway, i power down my Computer at night, and periodically my screen resolution gets set back to 1024 X 768, from 1680 X 1050 This is an annoyance because when the res shrinks down and all of my desktop icons go back to their default spot, all lined up on the left side of my desktop. Im very organized and separate my desktop icons on different parts of the screen, and im tired of having to re-organize them whenever my Res drops down for whatever reason. Thanks in advance for the help RS Pvt. D. Ware [1st MRB]
  10. Simple yet tastey. SoCo and Lime Also on a side note, does anyone know if its true that you can take a cheep plastic bottle vodka and make it better by running it through a Britta water filter?
  11. Ware

    Skin Glitch

    I have had the same problem many times, and the Record 1 immediately followed by stop fixes the problem, i really don't know why recording a short demo helps, but it does.
  12. wow that is one of the single most agonizing things that i have ever watched.
  13. wow, i have totally been saying this and everyone is calling me stupid. Damn Narrow minded Californians!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0053000434.html RIP Corporal Jacob C. Leicht, he was the 1000th US service member to die fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan. He was a friend of mine, I was one of the 1st Responders when he hit the IED in Iraq in 2007, that incident almost cost him his left leg, but he fought tooth and nail for 2 long years through physical therapy so he would be able to deploy again. This was his 1st since then he had been there for 1 month when he stepped on a land mine, he was a good Marine and an even better man, he was a friend, a Warrior, and he died a Hero.
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