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J. Stutler

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  1. three in less then a week? I might have a problem...
  2. I want more tattoos.
  3. He showed it to me after I pointed one out to him that I wanted to get when I could get the money for it. They were very similar, this one just being a little smaller and a little less detailed. Took him around a hour and a half to do, 40 bucks was a steal.
  4. I went into the shop with a buddy of mine so he could check it out and talk to a guy about a tattoo. Then started chattin' with my artist and he said he would do this for 40 bucks....... I couldn't say no
  5. Fittin' to go see these guys in October. Can't WAIT.
  6. J. Stutler

    Aus vid.

    So everything in Australia is sideways? How does that work?
  7. Tom Clancy is good, though I haven't read as much of him as I like. Have you read any Robert Ludlum? My favorite author of all time, think I've read every book of his at least 5 times each.
  8. Read a lot of King do you? Nice tattoo's Morse. I'm getting another (my 4th) tomorrow and I'm excited!
  9. I miss playing the table top Warhammer and W40k, wish I still had my armies. That said, I don't know about this. I think maybe if they did it as a RTS game, that'd be real fun. Table top action with out all the time spent gathering army pieces and painting them(though that was most of the fun i think)
  10. Man I didn't know, they do say you learn something new every day
  11. bwaah was just asking, live in the minneapolis / twin city area here so thats what popped into my head when i read twin city tattoo, thought about getting ink there but went to a different place.
  12. Woah woah, twin city tattoo in minneapolis?
  13. Yeah, Zepplin and Floyd used to be way up at the top, then I started getting new albums and would listen to those for like 5 days straight so my play count is kinda skewed to what ever I bought most recently, which is why my top five is dominated by the rural alberta advantage, soon to be replaced by White Denim I imagine, can't stop listening to these guys.
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