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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. its not supposed to be strategic fighting its who can kick the shit out of there opponent to get cash
  2. when the other guy gets his ass kicked and the guy decides to stop it lol
  3. Sanction fights for money and the only rule is there is none they do 2v2 1v1 and have 2v2 girls and 1v1 girls
  4. ive loved tool apc since a was in grade 5 or 6 tool is my favorite of all time maynard is a fucking god and yes i know what the song is about judith was his mother and apc a hace currently got back together and are touring oh and wings of marie part one a 2 are my favs songs by tool
  5. if you havnt heard of a perfect circle and are a tool fan then im ashamed ps the bassist is hot Original My fav cover
  6. oh and a i forgot RAP(Jedi mind tricks, Vinnie Paz, Biggie, 2 pac, nas, wu tang)
  7. used to love icp twisted and darklotus but not so much anymore
  8. dubstep( datsik, rocsonix,Doctor P, flux pavilion,funtcase,excision) Metal( 3 Inches of Blood, Rammstein, Metallica) Industrial ( nine inch nails, Tool) House( Deadmau5, Steve aoki, avicii) ive missed a bunch just can think of all the bands and what not i like
  9. thsi guys a pimp
  10. what quote from syrim is arrow in the kneen fro i stil dont get it
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/id/LTCoogan/scre...957419745900625 50-4 with sniper no big
  12. kat williams is one of my favs so funny but he uses alot of the same material over and over but still funny
  13. sick cant wait for this shit gona be awsome
  14. lol whoops fixed
  15. this guy lived just down the road from me hes pretty big now remeber when i used to listen to him and he was only local what you guys think?
  16. the ice in the territories can get really thick it can get over 50 feet thick so i dont think falling through would be much of a problem this has always been on my bucket list to play hockey on a huge lake would be so awsome
  17. star wars always found star trek boring
  18. havnt seen this vid in years still cracks me up
  19. "Parker has joined the channel" Parker: Okay its official im getting a tatoo of daffy duck running through my pubes with a lawn mower.
  20. fuck it ill give it a shot
  21. Lol thats fucking hilarious
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