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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. imo 2142 sucked im not in to the whole future warfare thing i do love this game tho
  2. happy b-day have a good one
  3. dark side FTW!
  4. Thats insane. that was really inspirational.
  5. But for how long?
  6. first dubstep song i ever listened to
  7. Hell yeah vinnie paz is my fav of all time good choice!
  8. Full Name:Patrick Coogan Age: 17 Location: Vancouver B.C Occupation: nothing right now Favorite activity or hobby:Biking paintballing listening to music Special talent: ahh im pretty good at paintballing i guess Favorite alcoholic beverage: Beer 3 Favorite movies: 1. Black hawk down 2. fight club 3. band of brothers 4. pacific 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. jedi mind tricks 2. wu tang 3. Tool 3 Favorite songs: 1. razor blade salvation (jedi mind tricks) 2. Wings of marie part 2 (tool) 3. keep movin on (vinnie paz) 3 Favorite foods: 1. Pizza 2. Pasta 3. Burgers
  9. that was sick
  10. hmm i havnt had any of those problems but that could be my computer
  11. been playing it all afternoon Fucking awsome
  12. Keep movin on - vinnie paz
  13. Situations : magoos trying to tell drama how to recover his forum account and is being lazy and saying hes rired Drama: Ill do this tomorrow this is boring and im tired Magoo: No your doing this now. Drama: no its 3 in the morning Me: no its not its 10:14 Drama: you don't know where i live Me: yeah i do you live in cali you've told me Drama: yeah well i moved to Oregon Magoo: thats the same time zone. 5 mins later. Well it is 3 in the morning i live in the eastern time zone of california
  14. i think thats a first the ellen de generous show on the 1st mrb forums lol
  15. FUUUCKKK that sucks dude
  16. most recent picture i could find from a couple years back on a mountain
  17. this game is going to be AMAZING!
  18. Lol.. thats genius
  19. hahah cant wait to se the finished product!
  20. So stoked for this its gonna be awsome!
  21. hell yeee
  22. ahahha thas awsome
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