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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. LOL....
  2. wtf........
  3. movies are good but not as good as the series, what if i were to put up rickisms instead lol
  4. WTF vdid you just make me watch...thats was FUCKED!
  5. yeah it does crash some time and is a bit laggy but it is a really good game and its not much of a campaign as it is play a single paly scrimmage.
  6. i only know of a couple people that have red orcistra 2 and would like to see who has it so we can get a bit of a crew to play with.
  7. i dont really follow boxing that was a bit aof a cheap shot but damn that was a awsome slow mo LOL
  8. AWSOME Cant wait to be apart of this
  9. *Salute*
  10. hacks....
  11. good first attemt but you need to cuz the scenes a bit better instead of seeing you walking to your kill should be like 1,2 seconds per scene or somthing liek that
  12. waht a terrible tragic off season the hockey world has had RIP
  13. haha sarsons you fail lol
  14. im going to see skrillex this october cant wait
  15. well that was fucked......
  16. yeah tiestos a great dj havnt heard of many of them ill have to check them out!
  17. happy b day
  18. he may hate it but that is what he is he jockeys discs lol
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