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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. this is mine Datsik. Probably one of the best dubstep Dj's out there
  2. Lucjy bastard i wanted to see him when he came here during the olympics it was a free show but i couldnt get in it was full 4 hours befor show start and i had school that day hes an amazing DJ!
  3. only one word can describe elf HACKER!
  4. yea thanks for the g mode hacks engle they work great !
  5. you forgot AHHHHHHHHH
  6. yeah its been a rough offseasons for the nhl i think the nhl should do somthing to support there players off the ice.
  7. i got a few that my friends call me patrice, patty coogs, pcoogs and the most recent addition penis...
  8. yea this video and any oneelse that knows the story make her look like a complete retard
  9. okay how do you not find this funny at all lol and yeah she said she was cured but it was complete bullshit frim the get go
  10. [Awsome vid man!
  11. i hate when that happens LOL funny shit.
  12. thats fucked up lol
  13. well i listen to alot of music for rage control so ill just post a couple Tool- vicarious 3 inches of blood - forest king (seen them 4 times there fucking awsome) Jedi mind tricks - untitled http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk556f_Phyc damien marley - road to zion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ExoaDv6uTM
  14. on my way order a deluxe for me lol
  15. had this pre ordered for two months and my new computer that i am getting built in order to play this is being built as we speak should have it by saturday so stoked for this game gonna be ridiculous! ps. i might need a new keyboard now from all the jizz
  16. im good with what ever.
  17. This is gonna be awome if its half as good as 1.6 cuz source just blows!
  18. i'd have to say blackhawk down must have seen that movie like 400 times and still do, and if i can count mini series band of brothers ive watched that whole series over 10 time since i own the box set
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