Lucjy bastard i wanted to see him when he came here during the olympics it was a free show but i couldnt get in it was full 4 hours befor show start and i had school that day hes an amazing DJ!
well i listen to alot of music for rage control so ill just post a couple
Tool- vicarious
3 inches of blood - forest king (seen them 4 times there fucking awsome)
Jedi mind tricks - untitled
damien marley - road to zion
had this pre ordered for two months and my new computer that i am getting built in order to play this is being built as we speak should have it by saturday so stoked for this game gonna be ridiculous!
ps. i might need a new keyboard now from all the jizz
i'd have to say blackhawk down must have seen that movie like 400 times and still do, and if i can count mini series band of brothers ive watched that whole series over 10 time since i own the box set