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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. put on transcribed video with it
  2. refs......all i have to say about that and holy fuck we need to get some pp going
  3. best series of all time and richard winters realy photo was my facebook pic for like 2 years probably the most inspiring person ever
  4. i got 3 words GO NUCKS GO!
  5. I dont know about you gooderham but i love being a big fan of one of the most maybe even the most hated team in the NHL it will make it that much sweeter when we win will put all the haters to rest
  6. 2X presidents trophies awww yyeeeah
  7. i got one question where is cribari on this list? lol
  8. yama already destroyed me and i didnt even have anyone play till today this is BS
  9. thats shits insane
  10. you forgot to mention the person the brought into this community of fine soldiars lol jk... great job on the video and i hope to have you by my side for years to come
  11. The group is jedi mind tricks there two main MC'S are Jus allah and Vinnie Paz but have many people that are featured in there songs often
  12. thats looked sweeet
  13. was a great week everyone!
  14. a band that was formed by the lead singer of RATM
  15. cant be judy choppin and a ninjy kicking.. love diamond dave
  16. always though this would be a cool song for a video. and if not matrix.
  17. might have posted this before but cant remember
  18. holy fuck 26 games at 462 dollars
  19. Me:so how much wine have you drank Robbie: a bottle and 3 quarters me:yeah id be puking: robbie:i drink all things, everything forever....
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