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Coogan 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Coogan 1st MRB

  1. anyone listen to house music or trance? heres some of the best imo.
  2. AHH SHIT cant wait so fucking stoked
  3. its a white wingate
  4. Woot thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!! b day present for me
  5. oh no we have had to deal 1 now two this cant be good... nah jk welcome to the family
  6. i would reccomend the dirty sanchez movie that has there most hardcore skits of all time in it
  7. rap sond made out of celebrities names insane
  8. Dirty sanchez takes the dudesons and jackass to another level they cant touch dirty sanchez.
  9. Name patrick Coogan' Reason school takes up all my money :9
  10. you americans are crazy our schools are alll chill well tahts cuz like 95 percent of my school smokes weed and all lazy as fuck lol
  11. sounds like an excuse to riot to me! WOOOOOO
  12. Light saber duel ftw
  13. LOL thats so fucking funny only wingate would find this.......im now off to micky d' to get me a big mac
  14. Canada FTW... that is all
  15. just started play the other day looks awsome
  16. I play coh its a great game
  17. no thats just befor you hit whistler at a view point
  18. HBO wins hands down Band of Brother The pacific Generation kill need i say more?
  19. lol some of the dumbest commercials ive ever watched
  20. lol that made me laugh dont fuck with a marine!
  21. Great vid man!
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