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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. Honestly Germany probably has got it.....but going with Sweden because fuck it.
  2. No, a hot dog is not a sandwich. The end.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Are you high?
  5. Bump
  6. Happy Birthday and………stuff?
  7. All good, it also says on it that the draft date wasn't set.
  8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was waiting for this post for a while! n8teachey@yahoo.com (just in case you don't have it)
  9. Happy Birthday old man!
  10. Would be interesting......but its a Lexus so it might be a bit....dull. Make a Lambo version of it without Audi being part of it, then we can talk about a hoverboard.
  11. It also has Cards Against Humanity??? Well fuck.....glad I have it then
  13. Its okay.
  14. Congrats to you and your family!
  15. I would think it would be okay considering I have posted videos when I have played in the pub, but as Ultra said before maybe be best to wait on an official word.
  16. .........................plop

  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Canada Day, possibly a holiday I may celebrate in the future
  19. My dog Fuze My smartest dog Tommy (Tom-Tom) Protective dog Rocco...may not look very protective Tuff, not a very good guard dog but can be adorable Newest dog Bear, makes the oddest noises...
  20. *sigh* I always hate this kind of debate. As somebody that lives in the US and the area where guns are literally everywhere (The South or "Bible Belt"), it is a strange thing. Whenever somebody around where I live talks about guns, anybody who defends the guns rights sounds like they may have some special fetish for it. If somebody opposed it in the open they get ridiculed and made fun of, even questioned on how to defend a home. I admit I even own a couple guns (one of which is an assault rifle, the AK47). With that being said as I have gotten older I have started to think anybody who uses the 2nd Amendment as a defense for not taking any guns away is stupid. It's called an AMENDMENT after all. Now, I know several people in this unit loves and owns guns, I am not here to convince anybody on to own a gun or not. If somebody is responsible with their gun then I support that person having a gun. However if somebody always threats with shooting somebody with a gun, points it at somebody who is unarmed, intent to hurt somebody in any way, or something along those lines, I can't support that person of having a gun. There are only realistically two reasons to own a gun. For recreation or defense. Yes that's it. Though I admit defense can be questionable because you can defend yourself without a gun. However, yes a gun is more convenient if you have no self defense skills. On the first video I am impressed that somebody has made a gun from a 3D printer, but I don't know why he would think giving a child buying gun parts online would be a great idea. I thought being a kid was to go outside and have fun (or these days stay inside and play video games until bedtime). Why not use the printer for people who truly need help? Why make even more guns when its actually not hard to go and get a gun (I know this may vary because down here its easy and other places it could be tricky, I know everywhere it isn't easy to obtain). I do stand by the fact that guns don't kill people, people kill people. With that said a gun can make it easier to kill people. On a Jim Jefferies comedy special he talked about guns and how crazy the United States people are with it. I honestly agreed with everything he said in it. (can be found here: Jim Jefferies Gun Control (comedy) As I have said I do own a couple guns, but I don't see them as protection to me. I find my dogs more protective than any gun could be. If you love guns, fine. By all means, but at least have the decency to look at another person who may not like a weapon around themselves because it can be dangerous. I don't understand personally the obsession with guns, its a tool to kill somebody. I will never understand why the South or other places in the US are obsessed with guns, its a tool and nothing more. And no I am not part of the idiotic group called the NRA. That group has done almost no good to anybody and it never will. For them its more about profit not about safety. I may own a gun, but the NRA can be shoved into a donkey's asshole. Apologies to those that may have noticed grammar errors.
  21. Semi-Finals: -Germany (will root for USA but lets be honest) -England (know nothing about Japan's team) Finals: -Germany
  22. ........wow
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