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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. USA (77) England (40) Norway (36) Sweden (47) Germany (37)
  2. Wouldn't work for me since I am a night crew worker
  3. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Banjo Kazooie, Super Smash Bros, the Mario Parties, Pokemon Stadium, Goldeneye, and probably more that I haven't thought of. I have two N64s and still have one plugged in for older fashioned fun.
  4. Eh not surprised by this. Though I already accepted I live in a stupid country.
  5. Happy Birthday!!!!
  6. Happy Birthday!!
  7. USA (77) England (41) Norway (36) Sweden (47) Germany (36)
  8. Good.
  9. I personally am going for the Rangers simply because of not liking any of the LA teams.
  10. Never thought I would ever say this, but go Rangers.
  11. I think he is referring to choking because LA was up 3-1 in the series, and now the series is tied 3-3 with a game 7 finisher. Their was no excuse for LA to not be able to finish the series (at least from what I saw in the games personally). That being said the Blackhawks better win it, I don't like LA teams. However I want the Rangers to win it all.
  12. We can safely smile and laugh at these good times!
  13. This isnt Call of Duty! I don't think this one is possible. Done it, possible but extremely unlikely it will happen. Unless they forget to call medic with around 1HP left xD
  14. so happy! 2:2 its on =] Not a Columbus fan. Just definitely not a Penguins fan at all. But it's indeed on!
  15. so happy!
  16. USA (79) England (39) Norway (37) Sweden (48) Germany (34)
  17. USA (81) England (39) Norway (38) Sweden (46) Germany (33)
  18. USA (81) England (39) Norway (39) Sweden (46) Germany (32)
  19. USA (80) England (39) Norway (40) Sweden (46) Germany (32)
  20. USA (79) England (40) Norway (40) Sweden (46) Germany (32)
  21. USA (78) England (40) Norway (41) Sweden (47) Germany (31)
  22. USA (77) England (40) Norway (43) Sweden (47) Germany (30)
  23. USA (76) England (40) Norway (43) Sweden (48) Germany (30)
  24. USA (72) England (42) Norway (44) Sweden (50) Germany (29)
  25. USA (70) England (42) Norway (44) Sweden (52) Germany (29)
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