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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. PSN: ruleroflightning
  2. It is true, he tried to hide his tking but killing like normal. He did tk people on purpose
  3. i watched the series and I enjoyed it but I dont think I would want to see the movie because it seems like it should be a cartoon instead, I will watch it and probably be proven wrong but I don't really know if it will be good
  4. Teachey

    Left 4 Dead

    I have L4D and L4D2, very fun games, sometimes gets old but I quickly get back into it
  5. I would put half of the million in the bank, $250,000 to charity and another $250,000 to the 1st MRB. Thats all I would do.
  6. This has happened to me before, way before I joined the unit, you can get your account back from it but it takes a little while and the people who try to get u to click on the link try to sell your account for money so DO NOT CLICK THE LINK NO MATTER WHAT! Hope the people who got hacked by it get their accounts back.
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