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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. Japan (22) USA (20) Mexico (18) Canada (21) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (13) Sweden (30) Finland (20) Germany (19) China (20)
  2. Japan (22) USA (20) Mexico (18) Canada (21) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (15) Sweden (28) Finland (20) Germany (19) China (20)
  3. Japan (21) USA (20) Mexico (20) Canada (19) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (17) North Korea (16) Sweden (28) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  4. Happy Birthday and shit
  5. Japan (21) USA (19) Mexico (20) Canada (19) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (27) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  6. Japan (20) USA (18) Mexico (20) Canada (21) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (27) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  7. Japan (20) USA (19) Mexico (20) Canada (21) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (26) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (19)
  8. Remember, no touching.
  9. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (24) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (19) Australia (1)
  10. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (19) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (17) Sweden (26) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18)
  11. Quite interesting sir! Make more!!!!
  12. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (19) Russia (20) England (20) Norway (19) North Korea (19) Sweden (25) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (17)
  13. I gotta admit, I learned more from this than I have my entire highschool so far xD
  14. Sure, why not?
  15. Happy Birthday and shit
  16. Made me more of an Athiest than I already am...but kinda entertaining at least xD
  17. Seems like something I might have found on a newsletter, nice find sir!
  18. ...the fuck?!
  19. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
  20. Happy Birthday Stone!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. People will always find a way even without a gun. Don't really see the point in limiting the second amendment personally, but it was expected considering the tragedies that have recently occurred. Everybody wants to point the finger, but lets be honest a gun cannot kill a person without some certain person operating it. You will not find a gun that will just simple get up, walk up to a person and automatically fire. At this rate I will move to Canada, not necessarily because of the gun control, but the United States government is really pushing it to not do the will of the people. (from what I have seen at least) Just my few cents here and personal opinion, could be wrong on some of these but this is just what I have seen.
  24. This reminds me of being a Flyers Fan whenever Bryz is playing, or being a Flyers Fan in general. Great find of a picture I must admit! And hope Leafs do make the playoffs actually, need different teams in that mix!
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