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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. Damn you Bryz for not playing so well from the beginning! But finally he is being a goaltender now
  2. Of course it would happen against my team, but I have to admit it was an amazing save.
  3. If I am allowed to, I would be interested in it too.
  4. Well if you hate frustration, dont become a flyers fan like me xD
  5. Don't remind me, saw it and nearly killed my computer from that, the Flyers have no defense at all.
  6. I have seen this before, but its always funny hearing it Zombie plan is awesome!
  7. hmm its either Crybaby Eli or The Brady Bunch for the Super Bowl, well that sucks, but guess I will go with Crybaby Eli
  8. Ravens/49ers Patriots are too overrated and honestly don't really think they deserve it; 49ers and Ravens worked really hard, even the Giants had a good turnaround, only thing I ask is NO FUCKIN PATRIOTS TO THE SUPER BOWL!
  9. Epic....
  10. Man up Maines
  11. 49ers/Team Jesus/Texans/Packers Also please spell correctly next time, much appreciated!
  12. Teachey


    But most importantly you forgot:
  13. At least your team actually has a goaltender! My team doesn't! We can only score xP but can't defend shit.
  14. ?
  15. Bengals/Saints/Falcons/Steelers
  16. Wow..........that made my day, amazing what people will come up with these days!
  17. temporary
  18. Red Orchestra 2......I feel like an asshole trying to win again xD But I have been waiting to play this game for a while because I was a fan of the first Red Orchestra, I heard this game was amazing so I want to know what it is like Good luck to everybody on the giveaway!
  19. Should we be shocked?
  20. Thank you very much Cast
  21. I saw this kind of thing on Top Gear, honestly might be better than a real porshe considering not everything is an extra on that xD
  22. Oh it was only these 2 birthdays? Thought it was supposed to be a special day........jk have a great birthday to the both of you!
  23. Maines has one!
  24. Mac and Tuna is actually common in many places as far as I know, its good too!
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