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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Teachey

  1. Happy Birthday!!!
  2. Japan (21) USA (28) Mexico (19) Canada (19) Russia (6) England (23) Norway (26) North Korea (18) Sweden (29) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (10)
  3. Don't lie, you want to try it.
  4. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (8) England (23) Norway (24) North Korea (18) Sweden (28) Finland (19) Germany (21) China (12)
  5. Japan (21) USA (27) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (9) England (23) Norway (23) North Korea (18) Sweden (27) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (13)
  6. Japan (21) USA (29) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (10) England (22) Norway (22) North Korea (18) Sweden (26) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (14)
  7. Japan (21) USA (28) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (13) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (24) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (15)
  8. Japan (20) USA (21) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (17) England (21) Norway (20) North Korea (20) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (19)
  9. Kudos to the Sharks organization for doing something so nice!
  10. I could only imagine how tired both teams were.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday and whatever else goes on.
  14. Not going to lie Latvia's goaltender played incredible. It's a shame he lost after that effort but oh well sometimes that's how it goes. Now to tune in on the Canada vs. USA game. Should be interesting.
  15. For whenever I am walking somewhere (mainly the beginning of this song) For whenever I may have to fight When playing a sport For driving or even gaming Would put more but I would rather not put too much on this one post.
  16. Happy Birthday, getting old must feel great!!
  17. Wow...
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. Get Him To The Greek - Jumbo Shrimp - Fuck Your Shit Up
  20. Why do you have a picture of a cat (pussy) and one of a day of defeat score?
  21. Well I thought Marty St. Louis would have made it on Team Canada. So much for that. Still they are a powerhouse team.
  22. Go die. Seattle or Denver to win it. I say Seattle.
  23. Been forever since we had this! Great as always!
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