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Dillon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Dillon 1st MRB last won the day on February 18 2022

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About Dillon 1st MRB

  • Birthday 08/02/1975

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  • Location
    Northern Colorado

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  • Weapon of Choice
    STG44 (Sturmgewehr)

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  1. So, here is a link to a bunch of maps I particularly enjoy. Many are ones not found on GameBanana (it will always be FPS to me). https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l7q0rncnr0q8lc2/AAAE-eZnCJAz9B7MvKetOGrza?dl=0 Maps here are: Adeneau_r Anvil Anvil2 flash_tank !!! - fun detonation version of flash flashatnight fuel_b3 harbor (fun, big map) rails_b3 - should fix b2 issue with spawning sora_b3 tunisia - another great old det map.
  2. Name: Jimmy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:155651408 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Wallhacks and possible aimbot. Demo Provided?: Y https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l7q0rncnr0q8lc2/AAAE-eZnCJAz9B7MvKetOGrza?dl=0 Comments: Please watch the attached demo in standard mode followed by wireframe. The wireframe reveals kills and a shot that could not have been made without a wallhack. There are two kills which are just ridiculous without a wallhack and aimbot. If there are any questions, please see me.
  3. Anyone else go? I do some photography, and got some pics. The totality was amazing! As in, I may travel a long ways for the next one. 2017_0821_11483500 by the3mrys, on Flickr 2017_0821_11491300 by the3mrys, on Flickr
  4. Which version of Rails? I have a couple of them.
  5. Some great variety here.... Anvil Rails Cherbourg Strassbourg
  6. Any traction on this? Would love to get Harrington in the Pub.
  7. There are a few maps that I would love to see on the Pub. Bayeux_b3 - Great map. I believe it is also known as Harrington. Excellent Pub map. Solitude_Match - all other versions of Solitude are just horrific. This one has proper textures and lighting. Plays well. None of the silly MG exploits, either. It was created specifically to counter the steam-rolling Ostrich put down on a team in the glory days of CAL. Get the other one off of there and delete it. Absolute crap. Link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3p5p25u2jrjm70z/dod_solitude_match.bsp?dl=0 Vanguard_b5 and Venteux_Final - both personal favorites. If they can't be on the pub, they could be excellent on the private.
  8. MOHAA was a blast. And I will be buying DOW. DOW doesn't roll off the tongue like DODS does.
  9. Well, I am finally home. Apparently blood clots in lungs and legs after surgery a "bad thing." It was something that isn't uncommon, but is often enough fatal. Kind of a weird thing to process and think about. Some of the oldsters among you may remember that I had had some issues with surgeries before, mostly about waking up durimg one and then having my heart stop. This sort of thimg throws a bit of a wrinkle on how I will do thimgs. i will for sure be on some special medications for next few months or so. However, despite being in the hospital for 5 extra days, I am doing okay. Hurts like hell to walk any where and it takes a little over 6 hours to find a comfortable position to lay or sit in. But, between the Oxy codone, Oxycotin, and Valium, I can almost get confortable. I should be back in the pub in a couple of weeks, still inthe mornings. I am incredibly grateful that I get to spend Christmas with my wife and kid. Things like this re a foreced reevaluation of events in life. On a related note, I have crapped in 8 days.
  10. Blood clot has moved to my lungs. in the hospital for a couple more days. It is potentially lethal, but thimgs seem to be under control. If you are into prayeror good thoughts, shoot some my way.
  11. Thimgs have taken a turn in the hospital. I am the owner of a blood clot. i am hetting lots of cafe, and they switched me to Valium (woohoo). I was supposed to go home yesterday, but I may go home today or tomorrow. Bored. And I still need help to pee, which is just wonderful. Getting better, but it is definitely a setback.
  12. Just had my second knee replaced Thursday. Still in the hospital but the pills are awesome. They are all out of Men's Piss Buckets, so they gave me a Woman's urinal. It is so weird. Anyway, won't be in the pub for 2-3 weeks. Pics will come later, maybe
  13. Its me! I'm Dillon. Old folks remember me. Hell, a lot of folks who were in my company outrank my old position. I spent a few good years in the 1st MRB. I am old, 41. I have had a lot of fun with DOD:S and played back when there were (excellent) competitive leagues. Then I got into Realism with the 1st MRB, and I had a blast. Regardless, right now I am a stay at home dad of a 3 year old. I picked up a Master's Degree in Higher Education, so if anyone has any questions about college (primarily in the US or Canada), I am happy to help. But, I just had a total knee replacement and am looking forward to having the other one done as soon as I possibly can. So, I am going to have some time during the day and I will have some fun. I probably won't get back into Realisms, but I could be persuaded to help out in a practice or scrim. If you are curious about my past, look at the salad bar. I was the CO of the 2nd Company for quite a bit, and ran a hell of a lot of practices. If anyone wants to pick my brain on practices or drills, I am more than happy to help. See you in the pub.
  14. Congrats to Gooderham for winning! You know whats better than winning? Nothing. Congrats to everyone that finished strong. And to all of you who dropped out, I hope you get put in jail overnight, where you are forced to eat a bum's ass.
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