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Distinguished Civilian
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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Francisco
  • Interests
    Basketball, gaming, hanging out with friends, baseball, watching TV, making vids on youtube for fun, music, (listening to it and playing it.)
  • Steam Profile

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Garand

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Forum Junkie

Forum Junkie (58/91)



  1. Made this movie as a way to re-teach myself the movie making and editing process. I hope you all enjoy it!
  2. Wow I remember this
  3. Happy Birthday, Yama!
  4. The Retired lifestyle
  5. I will inform my friend that my past actions are considered a strike on that account. Thank you for your understanding. Best, ~ Kaba
  6. Name: KillerKrys Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:34406949 Date & Time of ban: Circa July 2012 Admin who banned you: Lt. Col. B. Parker [1st MRB] Excuse for the Unban: As of tonight, I am relinquishing all control of this account to a good friend of mine. It will have a new name, new password, and a new contact email. This account was banned 2 years ago for actions that I, and I alone committed during my time in the unit. I am asking that this account to be unbanned, as I will no longer be using it, and I do not think it would be fair for my good friend to be banned from the best public server in all of Day of Defeat: Source because of actions that I committed years ago. Thank you for your time and consideration. ~ Kaba
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Serious camping action going on...no flag caps/defends.
  9. I threw right-handed but I was the opposite when it came to hitting. Lefty = Contact. Righty = Power. Guess that just comes with being right handed for the most part of your life.
  10. Righty, then broke a bone in my right hand, and became semi-ambidextrous.
  11. Kabasares

    The Clutch

    A little highlight from the realism we had today on donner. Apologies for the quick switching. Thank you to Avila, Baier, Candy, and Halvorsen for dying when I shot
  12. 1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes I have been following smooth tutorials precisely and I've double, triple, quadruple checked to make sure I haven't missed a step.
  13. I saw an 18 for Parker, with no one higher than a 2 on the little private server tracker on the MRB homepage and I thought "No way.." Turns out I was wrong.
  14. Yes I am.
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