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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. Looking sharp, as always...jk
  2. herp-a-derp its duh Kaba. DURR
  3. Happy Birthday, buddy!
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. We're just friends guys...
  6. Negative. I saved up for something else..
  7. tough luck
  8. 3 things. 1. Fuck you. 2. MAJOR CREEPER ALERT!! FORMER MARINE OR NOT!! 3. SHE'S MINE
  9. Party last night. Myself and my friend. Party was pretty crap, but I managed to have some fun.
  10. Currently in 11th grade, and I've never done anything like that before. Perhaps it's just the kids' stupidity getting the better of them. Kids at my school prefer to intentionally make our teachers' lives harder on purpose by being an ass. Hope things get less stressful for you and I <3 history.
  11. Representing SF... the 2nd one is with my friend's girlfriend. As you can tell, I like wearing hats lol.
  12. Keep up the good work everyone!
  13. Kabasares

    Me Playnig :D

    Teach me how to be like you!
  14. Happy Birthday!
  15. I'm in! Giants!
  16. Name: Exhal Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:35247347 Reasons for the Ban: Mic Spamming in the public server and leaving before being muted/banned. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N (GySgt. Hall, Sgt. Linvill, Sgt. Baker, and SSgt. Jones were also present)
  17. You were in this Watkis?
  18. Full Name: Kyle Kristian Kabasares (I know KKK) Age: 16 Location: San Francisco, CA Occupation: Student/Athlete Favorite activity or hobby: Basketball Special talent: Piano Favorite alcoholic beverage: Underage + haven't really developed a taste for alcohol yet. 3 Favorite movies: 1. Dirty Harry 2. North by Northwest 3. Saving Private Ryan 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. Metallica 2. Megadeth 3. The Doors 3 Favorite songs: From the 3 above. 1. Fade to Black 2. Trust 3. My Eyes Have Seen You 3 Favorite foods: 1. Fried Rice 2. Ice Cream 3. Pizza
  19. Happy Birthday!
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