20 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: don't worry i'll get it done by the deadline
8:22 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: i'm not worried about it
8:23 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: kab
8:23 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: <3
8:37 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]:
8:39 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: 3what
8:40 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: idk i like making sad faces
8:40 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]:
8:40 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: lol
8:42 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: ur so cute
8:42 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: "3am eastern"
8:42 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: haha
8:42 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: <3
8:42 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: i know i am <3
8:43 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: tjats the good thing about being the youngest in the unit, i make everything look cute. including myself of course
8:43 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: hey
8:43 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: hey
8:43 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: i do ok on my own sister
8:43 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: whoa there
8:44 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: no need to get fiesty on me
8:46 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: i know you must be drinkin or something, and lemme tell you, me > angry drunk person
8:46 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: i'm completely sober kaba
8:46 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: or i'd be in bed
8:46 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: lol
8:47 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: its okay, there's no need in denying it
8:47 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: i understand. 110%
8:48 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: i would not be able to write all that crap for the newsletter if i were drunk !!
8:49 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: its ok, i know your designated driver is also your designated writer
8:51 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: people these days come cheap, so i understand the situation
9:03 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: and btw thanks for screwing up my Swedish Teamwork test
9:03 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: !
9:04 PM - Cpl. K. Kabasares [1st MRB|MP]: don't "!" me I was in the middle of deep concentration and then BANG 3 steam messages and i lose it alll
9:07 PM - SSgt. R. Wells [1st MRB]: o w/e learn to prioritize