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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. Name: BUDWEISER Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:24987293 Reasons for the Ban: TKing after being told to stop. Was kicked once as a warning, then returned and quickly TKed twice and left before I could ban him. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: N
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. haha! I beat Ritchey for C96 kills.
  4. Enemy At The Gates http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0215750/
  5. Happy Birthday!!
  6. Xbox Live: StyliosKyli0s
  7. Welcome! Congrats Pvts.
  8. Since the staff meeting we had last night, I've been unable to log into Ventrilo. First time, I got in, but I wasn't logged in as a 1st MRB member, instead, I was logged in as a civilian (no 1st MRB rank or tags on). Now, I can't even join the server, every time I try logging in I get this message: Connected to server but unable to authenticate your login name and password. Make sure you entered the correct global server password or the password for your unique login name. You will be automatically banned if you try connecting with the wrong password several more times, so be sure you have the correct password before you try again. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling ventrilo and re-entering our Vent info with the IP/Hostname and Port #. I'm out of ideas on how to fix it now.
  9. Yeah man, 6 years, 4 play off runs, 2 championships. Was a closer/center fielder. Stuck out last guy to win the championship feels good. Won a gold glove for outfield. Was moved to 2nd base, and sucked cause my High School coach didn't know I was brought up as an outfielder.
  10. Name: adma Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:1772324 Reasons for the Ban: racism Recomended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: Witnesses: Sgt. Legend, Pvt. Tran, Mamora [bAR], Ness.
  11. Name: the formula Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:12190530 Reasons for the Ban: Racism in the pub through text. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: the formula: JEW the formula: *bleep*
  12. h@x0r
  13. Happy Birthday Tolomeo!!
  14. Happy birthday
  15. not this again....already saw it all the way through once, not gonna do it again.
  16. that makes two of us McDowell.
  17. She LOVES Green Day. No lie, its just Green Day this, Green Day that.
  18. lolol. Currently in the process of learning the guitar. I'm a pianist at heart. and btw McDowell, one of my friends would fall for you in an instant if you played that song.
  19. Englebretson is in the lead!!
  20. wait a min... he had one to start with?
  21. LOL! Now THAT's entertainment.
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