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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. North by Northwest, Godfather II, On the Waterfront, Batman (1989), Rocky, Dirty Harry Series, Saving Private Ryan, The Hangover, The Dark Knight, that's all i can remember for now.
  2. Some pics of me playing some basketball...yes I know I look intense.
  3. Well from personal experience, my dad is a deputy sheriff and a black belt in aikido. My stepmother also was a black belt in aikido, and I can vouch that both them can hold their own against anyone.
  4. I like the idea, but frankly I have to agree with Magoo here. We have to keep the pub monitored at all times. How high did we have the pub rank before the old server went down? It was probably in the high teens or low 20s. We're currently at 39, and as you've seen, it's not easy to bring the rank up. Between pubbing and the realisms we have in our private server, it would be hard to get any time in this new fun server you're suggesting. Hell, its hard starting up a realism in the private nowadays. We want at least 25 people in the pub before we even consider starting up a realism, and that's 25 people not including 1st MRB members, which is hard enough to accomplish.
  5. No problem, good luck with the MOS classes. Rifle is the first one you can take, after you pass that you can take any other one (except sniper, which is attained by scoring at least a 90% on the Rifleman MOS, but to pass rifle you'll need at the very least an 80%)
  6. We don't base our foundation on purely skill, Viktor. Personally, I think that would be ridiculous to base a unit completely on skill alone. I mean I'm happy we have players that are really good at the game, but there are some people who I know don't get a positive KDR regularly, but I don't judge them on their skill, as long as they're mature and respectful, I don't think any less of them than anyone else. If this question was about possibly being able to PTU from Caps/Bomb Plants and Defusals, then the answer is no, those points don't count toward being looked at for a possible PTU grant/denial. I'm not sure what you mean by look bad, to our CoC, since we are welcoming to all as along they follow the rules. Hell, I remember when I first played in the 1st MRB server for the first time, I had a pretty crappy score, but I didn't see anybody in the 1st look down on me. I still got recruited just like anybody else, not on skill, but on willingness to join a unit and abide by its rules.
  7. Name: Kyle Kabasares Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:28436438 Date & Time of ban: 11:50 AM PST in ventrilo. Admin who banned you: Vent Auto Ban Excuse for the Unban: I was moved to another channel, and I clicked back to my original channel and was banned for spamming.
  8. Smokey Jones, the Secret Weapon
  9. Seconding the notion!
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Legend: If I used an M1 Garand it would sound like ke-chung, ke-chung, ke-chung! Me: and what would it sound like if you used a Kar? Legend: VROOM!
  13. Kabasares

    500th Post

  14. NOTE: I did not make this song. It was made by a freshman who goes to my school.
  15. trolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololo
  16. Deja vu. I was spamming this song in vent the other day
  17. Name: Dat Stoned Fat Ugly Guy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:23073160 Reasons for the Ban: Hacking Recomended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: http://www.4shared.com/file/QDWGVfkv/datst...uglyfatguy.html
  18. Happy New Year!
  19. Name: Chuckie Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8682728 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKs after multiple warnings, and then leaving the server before being banned. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: N, but Hopkins was there and can vouch.
  20. Name: www.sadao_san Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:15240586 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TK in spawn and leaving the server. Recomended duration of ban: 1 week. Demo Provided?: N
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