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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. 12:16 AM - Pfc. A. Martin [1st MRB]: Life is like a realism. 12:16 AM - Pfc. A. Martin [1st MRB]: Plan all you like, but you won't know what to say until the shit hit's the fan. 12:17 AM - SgtMaj. K. Kabasares [1st MRB]: I'm quote threading that.
  2. Yay we're reviving this thread. Just a few things I found in my folder. 72 on jagd. 7 Dominations on jagd 2 80s on palermo 12-1 in a realism 15-2 in a realism Dominating the entire team
  3. EDIT: Damnit Gearhart, making me edit my post... thinking I was responding to Armstrong. Not exactly my cup of tea but it was ok 6/10
  4. Why do you have a rubik's cube on your head? Because I like to solve them. And I have a habit of balancing stuff on my head.
  5. Me when I'm bored
  6. Ermagerd the Sprouse twins are in that movie!
  7. Timmy threw a no-no! I don't know why, but I get somewhat sentimental looking at this gif because of all the suspected tension between Timmy and Buster. For those of you who don't know, Buster stopped catching Tim regularly in the '12 and part of '13 season all without viable explanations. Giants fans such as myself suspected a bit of drama between the two. Yet this gif shows why I love sports, people who may be different and have their differences, but working together to accomplish something great and of course, celebrate.
  8. Didn't scare me.
  9. The ability to fly so I don't have to drive
  10. Ellen Page so I could play video games with her
  11. 3:14 is dod_coire 3:54 is dod_harrington Both great maps! That Bobson video is personally one of my favorite despite it being a bit old.
  12. *Ahem* I thought of you too Maines when I saw that. *Ahem* *Ahem*
  13. The introduction is what I'm referring too. The video has a nice display of kills though.
  14. Martin and I are running side by side on flash. *Martin gets shot* Me: NO! My meatshield!
  15. I feel that watching this at 3:30 AM will give me some weird nightmares.
  16. Happy 4th of July! Can't wait for the fireworks to go pew pew!
  17. This has been long overdue. I just want to personally thank Stone for shipping me his Razer Deathadder, which I've renamed Annie. She has been good to me.
  18. We all know it would've ended differently had I not timed out
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