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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. We shall see. Also I assume Kaba has dibs on Pablo Sandoval. Otherwise his team name would not be as awesome. Of course
  3. best one in my opinion!
  4. Sureeeee kylekaba@aol.com
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. I verbally told the server that the voice chatter had strayed far from in-game discussion and was moving towards an inappropriate direction. Perhaps you didn't get the warning. Whatever the case is, I believe in second chances and I will respectfully request that the ban be shortened to 3 weeks. However, I will not tolerate any further disregard of our rules, and if I see or hear you making the same kind of comments you made the other day, you will be banned again. See you in 3 weeks. Topic Closed.
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Giants trading Francisco Liriano, Joe Nathan, and Boof Bosner to the Twins for AJ Pierzynski in November of 2003. I loved Nathan as a reliever... And then he becomes a 5x All-Star with MN. AJ is with us for a year and then jumps ship for the White Sox and wins a ring.
  9. LOL. Featuring the 2012 World Series Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4
  10. Damn... China just got dumped on today by Cuba 12-0. Not surprised, but they only managed 3 hits lol. Funny you should mention Maddux, as I was just doing some research on baseball and came across this gold nugget (Narrated by Vin Scully too). I'm going to be doing my senior project on baseball statistics.
  11. Name: Brancaleone Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:2142055 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Continuous racist comments after warning. Demo Provided?: Comments:
  12. dod_causeways dod_marche and dod_caen_b07 is always a fun map when the server is full!
  13. Awesome as always, Tate!
  14. Happy belated Birthday!
  15. Epic Win.
  16. GO DODGERS baby! I DGAF what people say: "You can't buy rings"... The previous owners were fielding EMBARRASSING teams with linty pocket change. I'm glad L.A. has the highest payroll in baseball, it sure beats bankruptcy. Frank McCourt and his whore ex-wife can rot in hell. /rant I don't live in L.A. anymore, so my only live option is minor league baseball. The league I watch is great, though. Gotta love seeing the young guns do their thing, just trying to make a meal ticket. Still, I picked up MLB.tv for the Dodgers games called by Vin Scully. LEGEND. See your Dodgers on April 1st! All respect to the legendary Vin Scully, but SF GIANTS BABY! BEAT LA!
  17. Just thought this vid explained my love of the game better than I could possibly articulate. Can't wait for the regular season!
  18. Happy Birthday, you two!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Name: Black Veil Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:39088796 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Hacking - Aimbot Demo Provided?: Y Comments: Received numerous complaints about him throughout the day. Was instructed to ban him for aimbotting by Capt. Englebretson, and took a short demo prior to the ban.
  21. That doesn't sound creepy at all..
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. His handles are crazy! Split the double team like it was nothing.
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