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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Kabasares

  1. If Lincecum starts to play at an All-Star level again, I'm taking my World Champion Giants.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Greatest player of all-time.
  4. Aww... Congrats Dillon!
  5. Name: xLUONGBRO Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:8423497 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKing in the pub, and disconnecting before being banned. Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  6. Name: I like trains Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:44621311 Duration of Ban: 2 weeks Reasons for the Ban: Intentional quadruple team kill in spawn before disconnecting. Demo Provided?: N Comments: Bluzooka witnessed it too.
  7. Joyeux anniversaire!
  8. Happy Birthday, Cribari!
  9. Congrats!!
  10. Happy Belated Birthday!
  11. Wells and Teachey back in June 2010..
  12. Thank you, Perrone. Well said.
  13. Me after the World Series SF PRIDE BABY!! Going to the parade tomorrow to celebrate!!
  14. Celebrating as my Giants overcame a 3-1 deficit in the NLCS to advance to the World Series!!
  15. NLCS = National League Championship Series
  16. I will murder you if this is false.
  17. Couldn't help but dance in my chair to this. HELLLA GROOVIN' SONG BRO!
  18. Me after the Giants made history today. My whole school was in hysterics, but they all know who the #1 fan is.
  19. So pretty much my whole school, (teachers included) were tuned in the whole day to witness the Giants being the first NL team come back from a 2-0 deficit in the NLDS. Pretty exciting.
  20. Took the SATs as well today, for the 3rd and final time..
  21. Happy Birthday, Sir!
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