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Everything posted by Park

  1. http://www.4shared.com/file/WR64mEYA/daucheets.html 2ndlt. Wingate is there, it starts out with him in tank house, and then he stops because mr xbox joins spectate, then when he rejoins allies he continues his faggotry, you can see his crosshair shake when he shoots, implying that he walls..........i wanted to record more, but i couldnt last long enough watching this dude, its a ten dollar game, its easy to get good at , but cheating in dods is sad. get a life kid # 571 "Rec. A. Dau [1st MRB]" STEAM_0:0:20060854 40:15 159 0 active#
  2. I know im not medical staff, but you have to keep it at 90, my computer can run it at 85 you might be able to do that as well, idk.
  3. Tolo, i thought that was me, cause i remember you dying on the right me dying on the left side of the window
  4. Sweet Video, It was a fun night too
  5. If anyone didnt know Jersey Shore is the shit, I am a resident of the Jersey Shore and i am going to see Jwoww at a local mall on February 10th with a ring.............. sooo leggo jersey shore fanatics!!!! oh and pauly d is my favorite bruh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri2FoJIeNvk
  6. ahahah CABS ARE HEAA
  7. FUCK YAH JERSEY STRONG FIST PUMP ALL DAY!!!!!, AWWW YEAHHHHH (Pauly D) damn kim straight up from the motherland
  8. Full Name:John Park Age:17 Location:Neptune New Jersey Occupation:Student/Bus Boy Favorite activity or hobby:LACROSSE!!!!!!! best sport in the world Special talent:Math Favorite alcoholic beverage:Svedka with Mountain dew, Four locos even though there banned 3 Favorite movies: 1.Black Swan 2.Forrest Gump 3.The Last Song 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1.Far East Movement 2.Eminem 3.lil wayne 3 Favorite songs: 1.Rocketeer 2.Dispicable by Eminem 3.otherside by Red Hot Chili Peppers 3 Favorite foods: 1.Korean Food all of it 2.Mexican like burritos and stuff 3.Soul food aka collie greens
  9. There isn't a way you can reset you're stats, but the Command Staff usually reset the whole thing every month...and seeing how its January 29th just wait a little longer
  10. HHHOOOOEEHHHH CONFUCIUS SAY...good shit, that was very inspirational words, expecially before my lacrosse season.......
  11. Le ...We talked about this in vent............Youre the lightest Phans in the middle im the darkest.
  13. Wheres the paper towels Right here Throw em over here mother fucker you hit me in the dick youre lucky it wasnt hard i ment this thing not my dick
  14. ACtually i didnt either, he was actually a really great leader.....he made the 35th huge, and lead greatly in realisms
  15. Park

    Errors in the Pub

    I think it might be your router or modem
  16. There was a mission on Cod4 on chernobly(so nerdy i said that) but it looks exactly alike
  17. Thats foul...........
  18. High KDR doesnt matter, and plus we are a realism unit, realism is so much different from pubbing.
  19. T-T http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/01/16/californi...cise/index.html
  20. Name:Darksin Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:3048234 Reasons for the Ban:Tking before he left Recomended duration of ban:3 months Demo Provided?: Y/N no, but human magoo and i have no arms was there
  21. I was in the 35th ID with Heflin, when he banned me for "hacking", i moved to the 9th RB.
  22. This Hp HPDX entertainment laptop recently got reformated by a alienware windows 7 disc, the laptop has a fingerprint reader on it and its now working, and idk what to do please help
  23. Name:J. Park Steam I.D:0:1:12102161 Date & Time of ban:November 11th Admin who banned you:I dont know Excuse for the Unban:None, I tried to enter the server and found i i was banned.
  24. I didn't mean random like that, what i ment was like if someone proposes a law that is according to the democratic agenda its going to be passed no matter what, but now i can finally be challenged to produce compromises instead of laws being passed without any detest
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