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Distinguished Civilian
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    Fort Sill Oklahoma

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Sprenggranate <br>(Rifle Grenade)

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Twitty's Achievements

Forum Trainee

Forum Trainee (5/91)



  1. Hey bro how you been? It's been a long time since I seen you around. I hope to see you in the pub soon or at least in vent yerrr!

  2. Name:Kirimashi Hen Steam I.D:# 859 "Kirimashi Hen" STEAM_0:1:21820613 01:59 96 0 activ Reasons for the Ban: Warned not to team kill, team wounded, was kicked came back and rocketd alot of people in spawn and left, couldnt ban him myself in time. Recomended duration of ban: Permanent ban Demo Provided?: N
  3. welcome to the unit marines, SEMPER FI OORAH!!!
  4. Pfc.K.Kabasares personally to me seems like fry and Pfc.N.Teachey is bender....but thats my opinion, which one of these cluster fucks is bender or fry? This message is approved by Pfc.J.Twitty...aka battalion awesomenes *DISCLAIMER* All names in the related post have agreed to be guinea pigs to my mayhem
  5. wow guess im a tard thanks for the help guys didnt know i could do that...thanks makes this a hell of alot easier to read
  6. hey just spit balling here but do you guys think you could fix this site so its a little bit easier to read the words...i have to squint and focus really hard on what im reading....just a thought thanks Pfc.Twitty
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