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Everything posted by Sarsons

  1. Sarsons


  2. Name: Pvt. C. Fisher [1st MRB] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:21145368 Reasons for the Ban: been using various names in our server without tags, came into the server tonight when questioned left the server. Member of {AoD} (as DraGooNboY). Likely instigator. Recommended duration of ban: Demo Provided?: Y/N Name:Pvt. B. Smith [1st MRB] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:14435791 Reasons for the Ban: Impersonation of 1st MRB member, member of {AoD}, when confronted left Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N Name: Pvt. B. Fones [1st MRB] Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:32024314 Reasons for the Ban: Impersonation, was proposed for a ban for impersonation as Col. Jones [1st MRB]. Member of {AoD} Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N *Note: all three were in the server yesterday under different names and were causing a ruckus.
  3. not sure how to shoot the one that posted the vid to you tube or the one that posted it here....
  4. Would it not be easier just to talk to each other and have time set aside or a system so that the other does not come in? Or there is always the fact that as both being guys they should know the "pressure" and understand. Hell it would be even more convenient to just do it at the same time, they can still both solo if they are too chicken.
  5. Happy Birthday Berg!!!!! Have a Great one!
  6. Done, he came back.
  7. Happy Birthday and welcome to the unit!!
  8. Sarsons


    CANADA end of discussion
  9. Happy Birthday Dawson!!! Have a great one!
  10. When re-binding the keys did you first do an unbind? example for F1 type: unbind f1
  11. I want my life back........ NOW
  12. Happy Birthday 8====D
  13. Absolutely great! Really did a good job all of you.
  14. Sarsons


    woot woot
  15. Happy birthday guys!!!! would post you pictures but no idea what you would like Yazoo and Legend's would likely get removed Have a great one.
  16. Found this image on google:
  17. Happy Birthday both of you!!!
  18. At the time of this post the public server is down. The private is working as is ventrilo. Thank you all for your patience while this matter is tended to.
  19. Holy Shit! When I went to high school the vast majority of us really respected the school and definitely the principal! there were a few bad apples but they were easily tended to. Oh wonderful Canada Edit: The fuck, you have security at school? We only have that at the university and college but they are basically there just for general safety (especially since we have a student union run pub on campus)
  20. Stone I want my life and ears back please.
  21. nice to the vid,.,,,,, The fuck to the comments
  22. Done. It was the Auto-banner.
  23. Have a school friend over to get this lab report done, also handing out full size bars to the trick or treat-ers.
  24. Sarsons

    Quote Thread

    Love it!
  25. Happy Birthday Major!!!! *Salute*
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