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Everything posted by Sarsons

  1. Troy was the one on the mic yes. As for yourself, I have looked at the players that I have been in game with and verified that I was in the map with you. While I was there I did not see you do anything wrong; however if you did Team kill, that is against server rules. I did not ban you, I do not have that ability. Goodnight and good luck.
  2. At this time of 'day' there is not often many officers on, as such it is unlikely that your post will be processed until tomorrow morning sorry.
  3. I have not seen skinner in a few days, but what Cayen says I can easily see happening. The last time I seen him in-game he was rude and disruptive but not quite enough to have anything done about it. He claims to be German and a "neo-socialist" also know for saying "Ah, fuck ze English"
  4. Name: jaylan Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:3727152 04:52 121 0 active Reasons for the Ban: continueouse team killing on 2 maps, has been asked to stop and warned. score was -6 when i left to report Recomended duration of ban: perm if applicable Demo Provided?: N Note: was kicked by an admin and rejoined, after a while and some more TKs was banned for 10080 min.
  5. The server still does not seem to be working sir, error received is: "Client and server product versions do not match". I have ensured that my steam has updated already. The server link on the homepage is also still showing no current players.
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