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Everything posted by Sarsons

  1. we talking about jar man?
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Your great man, hope you have an excellent one
  3. Our COs ROCK!!!
  4. If your wanting those picture for a project or something there is a way to get them. (these instructions are for FireFox users) right click anywhere on the page that is not an image, go to view page info and click on media, you can then save the pictures from the list. Apparently this particular site, if you right click the image and then hit escape instead of clicking on the ok button it will then bring up the right click menu
  5. I agree with the argument but not the mean of which he puts it across. A parent should (in my and my family’s opinion) never hit their child with the intent of punishment or to cause pain or injury. While some will continue to believe that spanking, slapping or hitting your kids is the only way to teach or protect them, I feel that it leads to a very closed relationship. Do you want your child to come to you when they have done something horribly stupid, or have gotten hurt, perhaps they got drunk at a party that they were not suppose to be at and not wanting to get beaten did not call home for help. Instead ending up in critical care in the hospital after an accident trying to get home themselves. How would you feel knowing that’s your child there on that bed in complete agony and begging you not to hit them, when the only reason they got there was because YOU made them feel that they could not talk to you, because YOU never provided them a safe environment to grow up in and allow a bond of trust to form between you. Or how about the parents that come home to find their son or daughter hanging from the second floor banister, having killed themselves; feeling alone in this hard world, feeling that YOU are not a safe resource for them, that you cannot or will not help them. That really would be the worst and I would not wish that on any parent, but think about it next time you think of hitting your child... Just stop and think... what the repercussion might be down the road when they NEED YOU, but can't come to you out of fear. Think about it.. Please.
  6. Ptoblmes? hmmm interesting Do you have this happen with any other program or only with DoD:S? Have you checked for updates for you video card drivers? I have gotten a bit of lightening and darkening on our server before but after a restart normally it is fine.
  7. Sarsons

    500th Post

    And here is my 500th post!!!! GO us!!!!
  8. Happy New Year everyone!!!
  9. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  10. WOOO!!! And no sorry I will not be shinning your Dirk
  11. yes, Merry Christmas everyone! Don't forget if your going to be away to post you LoA here.
  12. Gratz to you to then!
  13. WOOT I've been in the 1st now for 6 months and 3 days!! trudging along through the bodies, and up to my ears in forum posts. HA just wanted to through this out there for really no apparent reason Laterz
  14. Name: Negaijin Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:13971764 Date & Time of ban: 24NOV2010 around 11:45pm Pacific Admin who banned you: Auto Excuse for the Unban: "While on the server this evening, we had a 4x4 going on and decided to have a knife, punch, and shovel fight. Unfortunately, too many of my team mates decided to get in the way, and blammo, here I am banned. Anyone here that can show a little leniency? I'm a frequent flyer on the server. I'm not a jerk. smile.gif Negaijin" Here is the full format un0ban request.
  15. Sarsons


    Make an alt and check of stormwind. Deathwing had landed on the towers over the valley of heros. there is now a LAKE in SW and the park is gone. Ruth'turan village was separated from teldrasil and malfurion stormrage is in auberdine!
  16. He's referring to the game doo doo head
  17. Happy Birthday man!!!! Would post more but running to class
  19. Woo, Happy Birthday!
  20. Cayen! and McDowell for not changing the date for BCTs on the last recruit he processed. (October 18 is long gone )
  21. Time add that third star!
  22. Had you done anything different around that time? installed any other steam games, or DLCs? Any skins, or scripts? Anti-virus?
  23. Please use the following format and post in the Military Police sub-forum, and an officer will be happy to review it. Apparently for future reference as you are in the pub right now... Unban Request Topic Title ex. Unban Request :: YourName [b]Name:[/b] [b]Steam I.D:[/b] [b]Date & Time of ban:[/b] [b]Admin who banned you:[/b] [b]Excuse for the Unban:[/b]
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