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xnugZz last won the day on September 4 2017

xnugZz had the most liked content!

About xnugZz

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  • Weapon of Choice
    Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)

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Forum Charlatan

Forum Charlatan (17/91)



  1. Name: Pearl Jam Steam ID: [U:1:15814609] Reason For Ban: Reapeat team killings in mass during game and in spawn after round restarts Recommended Duration: 2 Weeks Demo: N
  2. Name: Santa Reason For Ban: Mic spamming after been asked to not mic spam and speak in english proceeded to spam harder in his language, i recognized a few insults, laughs hysterically on mic. Steam ID: [U:1:39663896] Duration Recommended 3 days Demo: n
  3. Name: "blakedre123" Steadm ID: [U:1:478499673] Reason: Grenade suicide killing half the team then leaving server Duration: 3 Days Demo: N
  4. Name: "ImmortaL" Steam ID: [U:1:9363785] Reason: Team Killing me then leaving Duration: 1 week Demo: N
  5. Name: "EINSATZGRUPPEN" Steam ID: [U:1:77547081] Reason: reapeat team killing, proning in spawn with a mg. Duration: 2 weeks Demo: N
  6. Name: "Ваня" Steam ID: [U:1:410644156] Reason: Mic Spammin, repeat team killing and wounding after multiple warnings. Duration:2 weeks Demo: N
  7. roger, didnt know so i figured id make sure ;P thanks gougeon !!
  8. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Blitzkrieger6thrb/
  9. hey no problem man, i do what i can to help the pub
  10. http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/239394 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198419587816
  11. Name: dude had a name changer, tracked it by steam id. Steam ID: [U:1:459322088] http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/239394 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198419587816 Reason: name changer and blatantly hacking Duration: Permanent Demo: N
  12. Name: "Krieger" Steam ID: [U:1:1591206] Reason: poaching pubbers out of the 1stmrb server into the 6th server, as well as ridiculing the server. Duration: Permanent Demo: N
  13. Name: "Peach Mojito" Steam ID: [U:1:97505154] Reason: Mass team killing i believe its the second offense if someone could check Duration: Permanent Demo: N
  14. Name: "0wl" Steam ID: [U:1:393025396] Reason: Team killing sprees after warnings, team wound and killing in and out of spawn Duration: 2 weeks Demo: N
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