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Everything posted by Licid9

  1. Yamagata, Thanks for the reply. I may not have posted the Steam ID correctly....or I simply didn't give you enough time. Just in case: "Licid9[sAC]" STEAM_0:0:215796 00:24 109 0 active As of 10pm (CST) the ban remains. Again, I appreciate you looking into this; as I'm eager to get back on the server LOL.
  2. Name: Licid9[sAC] Steam I.D: Licid9[sAC]" STEAM_0:0:215796 Date & Time of ban: ~2-3 Wks ago (probably should have come to forums earlier) Admin who banned you: Unknown Excuse for the Unban: I had just joined the game and before I could choose a team I was kicked and banned. At first I thought it was a mistake, but I messaged a few 1st friends and was informed that it had to do with my relationship to the 6th RB. Anyhow, I hope that is all water under the bridge as I really enjoy playing with you guys! =) Thanks, Licid9
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