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J. Turner

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Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. Ill just reply since you dropped my name, calling admins fools isn't the best move on your part. Telling the whole server you are spectating him and hes hacking isn't a good move. Telling admins they don't know what they are doing isn't a good move. It was in the process of being taken care of and you kept running your mouth. I do not appreciate that. END
  2. California Highway Patrol aka "Chippy" believe it or not CHP has swat (= lucky me right
  3. its chill i rage all the time, i have my moments to, its just a game (=, im trying to quit smoking so i know the feeling

  4. Sorry bout this morning I had no tobacco and was raging mad u know u my boiiii lmao

  5. Fuck jones why did you leak my video..... Suckin on mah titties.............
  6. So I encountered this problem two days ago, as follows; When im running the screen while lightly flicker, it seems like the brightness goes up and down as well, I messed with the brightness tab and it does it make a difference, the darkest areas are still dark as hell. I just reinstalled norton anti virus when all this started and changed one setting i didnt have on before, then it started. Then I turned that setting off, deleted DODS folder and reinstalled all the content. Not sure whats going on if you have any ideas or suggestions, id greatly appreciate (-=
  7. Name: 122Jiimbo Steam I.D: # 3517 "122jimbo" STEAM_0:0:24069315 44:17 144 0 active Reasons for the Ban: team killing, mic spam, complete disrespect towards mrb members and pubbers, ignored all warnings and commands. Recomended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y/N No
  8. Oh em gee, miss you honey!!!!

  9. It's how the cool kids talk, give it a go sometime :P

  10. pforile..........?@?@??!?!?!??!?!? is that Australian?

  11. Profile even....

  12. Nice blank pforile :P

  13. 2/2, Holla holla holla

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