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Branem 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Branem 1st MRB

  1. Turned out great! LOL
  2. Sounds good, its right in the midle of my final exams, but Im shure I will need a break sometime Welcome!
  3. Jesus chriiiist guys, hahaha, there is a perfectly good explanation to this; I was typeing on my IPhone. And typeing like this makes it easyer for me to go over what I just wrote, to make shure I remembered everything and what not. See, now Im writing on my computer, bigger screen, longer text lines. Gahh! But by all means, if I just started a trend, I like it. lol
  4. The airport is called Værnes and is about 40 minutes outside the city, with busses leaving to and from every 10 minutes. If you want to see Trondheim in all its glory I would recomend a trip in the summer. This time of year its cold and windy. Not great for walking around knowimsayn' If that doesnt bother you any time is fine i guess, I can arrange it so most of the kids are out of the house
  5. Well, today you learned how to use the word "Norsk" and "Studere", so I say you are all set to get your ass to Norway! It might not be as cheap to come to my town, but if you should happen to make it, I will deffinately give you a guided tour. We might even have a couch for you for a night or two (depending on when you are planning the trip) Oh, and I hope you like hairy men, that picture of "Reis" is NOTHING!
  6. It's the Harlem Shake gone wild, baby!!
  7. Bravo!!
  8. Actually didn't notice that first time through haha, had to rewatch that shit . It is kinda hard to notice him when someone is dancing in a fullbody spandex suit in the center of the action. Did somebody say 'fullbody spandex'?
  9. haha, I know, and you can clearly see he didnt mean to do that
  10. So I did a quick forum search and couldn't find a single Harlem Shake vid.?! Now thats just not ok! Norwegian army ftw!
  11. Time and patience, dear Cast..time and patience..
  12. Happy New Year everybody! Waiting for Trondheim to go pew, pew, pew in about one hour! Just ate a perfectly cooked turkey (if I may say so my self) together with my girlfriend and our three kids, so we are off to a good start this year Wish you all the best in 2013!
  13. Yeeeeeerr!!!!
  14. Just saw the news on Norwegian television..terrible..
  15. Wow, thx guys! Been a very long time since I made one of these, so it's nice to get this kind of feedback! Keep on dominating!!!
  16. Ahhh...that felt good!
  17. Saint row the third, Black Ops 2 or Fallout 3... you know what? Actually any game would be awesome!
  18. mm mm mm
  19. Yes, yes he does...alot...
  20. A new tune from Ylvis ( You're welcome:
  21. Yeah, I think so too. Fuck the both of them!
  22. Younolikemypoem?
  23. Roses are red birds, I think, are blue I sometimes yell at my asshole "Is that all the shit Im getting?! Well fuck you tooo!" There - that's now my new "Tweet"
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