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Branem 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Branem 1st MRB

  1. So Im giving this thing called "Twitter" a go. Dont know if any of you have heard about it, but they say its like facebook only with fewer letters, if you're into that kind of thing.. I dont know, its supposed to be popular..it's a blue bird goddamnit! Who can resist?! Anywho; if you got an account, lets share baby! @KnucklesBarone search: Barone
  2. That's what Im here for you know! mm mm mm
  3. Don't know if you guys remember me posting about this, when "Dexpedition" launched their first season. Anywho, season two is here! Check out these two Norwegians as they travel the world! First stop: New York City! And don't worry, it's all in english. Best of season one: Here ------------------------>>> Season 2, Episode 1: Here Promo for season two:
  4. MM MM MM MM
  5. From the hit talk show "I kveld med Ylvis" (Tonight with Ylvis), I give you another fantastic song from the two comedy geniuses, and brothers, Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker. A song about musicals, love and FUCKING DUBSTEP!!! YEEEERR!!!
  6. Peter Chao Skipp to 1:50 for epic chorus
  7. Me and my gf chillin' at the shootingrange I like them horizontal..mm mm mm btw: She told me to say that those pants don't do her ass justice My pistol headshots
  9. yey meeee!!
  10. haha, that last clip was perfect! You may look like you're 15 (IMO), but you shure as hell don't sound like it. Great job. Very professional! And I love the way you said your name m8, very nice!
  11. Haha, I know how you feel guys, I hate myself for this too...
  12. Tell me how you did!
  13. Let me just add; That is one sexy poster, Sir. MM MM MM
  14. haha...I mean...I think we should stick to the topic here...
  15. So, I was playing in the pub this morning..thats is all..
  16. +1 Yeeerrr, welcome back buddy!!
  17. Gooood shit! Proud to be a part of this!!
  18. Tate... Man... I... I just... I love you man...
  19. We both get excited when we blow on something hard, MM MM MM MM
  20. hahaha, I just couldn't stop grinning!
  21. Alright, think I got it. Thank you!
  22. So I managed to get back to my computer a bit early, and tried what you said Dillon. Worked like a charm! except i'm a bit unshure about the last steps. Can you explain to me again the thing with the exec thing and what/where Im supposed to do it ;p Thanks!
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