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Branem 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Branem 1st MRB

  1. Hey guys! Sorry for the late feedback, i usually get "topic alerts" to my e-mail, but not this topic for some reason.. Since I posted this I have installed Dillons config, and altho' it works great, I still want more/higher/better grafics (if possible). So, the config you already have, and I will be back infront of my gaming computer no later then this wednesday, I will then post the hardware details for you. Thanks a lot guys!
  2. yeeahhh...I could take about 7 secounds of that...
  3. Yes.. I do make vids of "everything"..
  4. yeah, and thats how it is in the start. So just fool around at first and when/if you get bored/want to get more serious, start narrowing it down a bit.
  5. I used to dj a couple of years ago and started like you did, took some songs I liked myself and tried to make them work with each other. This made things a bit hard at times, and not sounding as good as I wanted it to. A good start tho'. After dj'ing a while I started focusing on specific genres and getting to know the different songs I liked within that genre better, and that way building my own dj set. This made experimenting with new songs very easy and fun because I already knew my original sets very well (melody, when the different songs "took off", interludes, and so on) It made my mixing much more "confident" (I could play around with effects, looping etc.) and by being smart in my choice of songs I could realy keep the floors packed. It just made dj'ing a blast! So getting control over your BPM is of course the basics, but to make a 20 min, 40 min or an hour set sound good in total, you need to know each song very well, especially if you plan to one day play it live.. And to make that easy, start by sticking to one genre at a time. Good luck!
  6. I..Im..ahh..Im sooo confused right now...
  7. Name: Branem Rank: MSgt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Not shure/Other Brief Description of Issue: So about a year ago I installed the fantastic config file to make my gaming as good as it can be. Lately I have grown a bit tired of the bad grafics, the game feels "old" and not appealing to the eye. So, my question is; is there any way of getting the "new" look back, without fucking everything else up? I actually dont know what the "new" look is, but Im hoping you guys understand what I mean and how to fix it..if possible.. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: WO. Dillon Supporting Technician:
  8. OMG! What a sexy fucking animal!! ..yeah, and the bunny is cute too..
  9. aaawwwww....
  10. I like it tight too, MM MM MM MM
  11. Well of course shaved! I dont even remember the last time I was with a...oh, you were talking about the head... please do carry on...
  12. I have to go with redhead, if you was to ask me a couple of years ago I would say blonde. My girlfriend is a redhead, with brown eyes and milky white skin. Faaawkin beautiful!
  13. Looks realy cool! And Im shure I wount be able to afford it. yey..
  14. Thank you very much, my timing tend to have that effect on people, MM MM MM MM
  15. Thank you, and yes I thought that would be a smart thing to do HAHA Laughed so hard at this!!
  16. Thank you guys! More to come.
  17. Good to know there are guys out there with a sense of humor
  18. The "War Horse" Trailer meets 1st MRB Hide and Seek (Btw; Just started using Sony Vegas, even fading in and out is a challenge..)
  20. i called the cops alittle bit...
  21. You Sir have a Norwegian, short haired, hiphop'in twin!!! Lyons Frode Myren Frode Myren aka. Ordførern'
  22. BAAAHAHAHAHA, when he hits the window!! HAHAHAHA
  23. Good for you! Nothing worse than being stuck in a job you hate. I went back to school at the age of 29. Economically it sucks, but so much bether than being stuck in different pointless jobs for years. You go girl!!
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