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Everything posted by Ness

  1. oops. I should look through old posts to make sure before I post lame old vids
  3. Best wishes and kindest thoughts from all here <3
  4. Well aren't you a pretty princess
  5. I only see them on major events. Or when one of us hurts ourselves badly. Brother got arm caught in lathe - Visit. I had a bad stack on my bike - Visit. I had Bailey - Visit. Dad almost died - Visit. Christmas. Some birthdays and that is about it
  6. Chest piece all healed up. Still a little more to go and up around my neck. but I am getting there
  7. Last family Christmas involved 2 topics around the table. - Should I get a breast reduction or should I try working out with bake bean cans to minimize my bust (wtf).... Then my Grandma announced that she wants Granddad to die so she can go on holidays because he is to sick to travel with her anymore. This is in between: Watching both of my cousins poor parenting, my parents argue about the tide, my brothers gf walk around like a $2 whore, one of my brothers punching the other in the balls for amusement, my cousin trying to set me up with one of her alcoholic friends and being sexually harassed by my sisters dog that has a SEVERE under bite. I take Rhys to meet my parents for the first time... Mum decided to announce that she cut her toe nails into weird claws and stabbed my sister with them, My brother stabbed the other brother in the dick with a pen, Bailey jumped into the pond and I borderline had a break down. This is after me freaking out about introducing Rhys to my Mother because she slept with my 1st bf...... Got to love family...
  8. I always jokingly annoy Rhys and ask for a hard dicking, hump his leg, lick his face, assortment of other things (yes I know I am odd). He thought it was from this, but I had never seen it, I laughed pretty hard when the Hot Dicking came up. Cartoon made after my own heart <3
  9. I didn't say you were....
  10. Growing up for me was a little crazy:- Alcoholic mother and step father meant that the oldest (Me) had to tend for 5 kids in the house (Sister passed away when we were younger). - Long story short: - They didn't take her passing well and it was taken out on me, beign sick this was always hard and things only got worse. I am not sure why I am not a lot more screwed up than I am I am glad to say that the household I created for Bailey, Rhys and I is a lot more stable:- Rhys and I barely even argue, I am relatively strange and it is cause for a house full of fun times and laughs. I am very very clean which I understand may be hard on Rhys and Bailey sometimes (me constantly cleaning around them and after them). But what we have works and we have a lovely home and family. What I can say Collins is:- When you are older (not saying you are to young to do so) you will miss the noise and you will find a lot of things boring and trivial. People complain day to day about nonsense, it is people that actually put in the hard work and see those little imperfection of life that can take the right things from situations. - I know we don't get along but I *hi5 you on your effort with your family and I wish you all the best. You're a good brother, son and support base for your family.
  11. Ness

    Clark -

    Naaaw, that means lack of sleep for him, and cranky times for all.
  12. It's like..... a dream that's taken my entire childhood and adult life so far to come true. <3 ''I shit you not''.
  14. I've lurked 4chan for around 5 years and have surprisingly seen them do many great things. naaawww the internets <3
  15. Ness

    Clark -

    5:05 am, can't sleep. O'Pray and I had waaaaaaaaay to much to drink and he is now sleeping, drooling on himself and snoring hardcore - It is moments like this when I actually look over at him and smile. < I am marrying this man
  16. Hello Sir!
  17. Ness

    Clark -

    I know that you have asked my accent to the ''winter dance'' and she agreed, but she has a few questions to ask. * Do I need to wear a dress? - She has no body. * Do I need to speak a lot? - She needs me to do this. * Do you need a kiss at the end of the night? - She has no mouth. * Do I need to dance? - She has no arms or legs. (I dance like the inflatable wacky arm man) * How cold is Winter in Americaland? - Chillyness brrrrrr. She is a shy accent, and would appreciate a prompt reply. Also a fee of $10.00 for my needed participation. Yours truly - Ness. (Ive been drinking, I apologize for this post in advance).
  18. There is a $2200 reward out for her. And she has 4chan on her ass, they'll find her and somebody will probably kill her. They already found a lot of others, including that lady that put a cat in a bin lately. I personally hope they find the little bitch and kick her ass, I have no pity or respect toward people like this.
  19. Mother is English Father was Italian. I am born and bred Aussie.
  20. Prospects of dressing like a whore only to probably fall on my head multiple times and get some kind of pole burn? No thanks. I wanted to see boobies Mad of Honors bewbs better come out sometime during this thing.
  21. bwahahaha
  22. Awesome
  23. I wish....
  24. ugh I went into 1st the other week intoxicated, I shall not do it again.
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